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USAID Resilience Policy Revision Launch Consultation

Please join InterAction to learn about the upcoming USAID Resilience Policy revision process and consultations. USAID is updating the 2012 Policy and Program Guidance on Building Resilience to Recurrent Crisis (or “Resilience Policy”). The new Resilience Policy will incorporate learning and experience since 2012 and speak to the role of resilience in preventing backsliding on development gains across geographies, problem sets, and programming types. During the revision process, USAID is conducting a broad range of consultations within USAID and with key external stakeholders. This initial event will provide an opportunity for Interaction members and other USAID partners to hear from

Findings from USAID’s Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership

Join Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership (SWS) practitioners for an overview of results and insights on its nearly four years of intensive research on the use of collective action and collaborative systems approaches in water, sanitation, and hygiene and for a robust discussion of its findings. Presenters Shawn Peabody, Environmental Incentives Kimberly Pugel, University of Colorado Boulder Cliff Nyaga, University of Oxford Muhammed Ebrahim Mussa, IRC/Tetra Tech Martin Watsisi, IRC Uganda

Adaptations in the Face of Constant Change: Protecting Development Gains and Remote Post-Distribution Monitoring

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. This session presented the strategies used by two organizations to navigate decision-making with uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mercy Corps/Ethiopia discussed their experience with protecting development gains in the absence of crisis modifier approval and explore the efficacy of embedding emergency response activities within development programs to position participant households to benefit from longer-term resilience-building efforts. ADRA reflected on their response to when social distancing requirements precluded face-to-face implementation of Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM). ADRA designed and evaluated various remote methodologies and alternative verification