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Less Risk, More Reward: Empowering Smallholder Coffee Farmers to Better Manage Risk

Smallholder coffee farmers operate in a world of risk. Rapidly changing prices, adverse weather, pests, and disease – alone or together, these shocks can quickly undo the promise of a successful coffee growing season and severely diminish smallholders’ incomes and food security. How can smallholder coffee farmers better manage risk? Drawing from the experiences of Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation program partners – Farm Africa/Root Capital, Neumann Gruppe GmbH, and Oikocredit – this webinar offers a global perspective on innovative risk-management initiatives that are enabling smallholders to reap more rewards and face less risk as they cultivate this high-value

Résumé et session de feedback autour des approches multisectorielles

Watch Recording Au début de cette année, CF&N, WASHPaLS et PRO-WASH ont organisé conjointement une série de discussions thématiques sur l'élaboration d'orientations et d'outils spécifiques pour la mise en œuvre et le suivi de programmes multisectoriels axés sur la croissance et le développement des nourrissons et des jeunes enfants. La discussion a touché les sujets suivants : L'intégration et la mesure du développement de la petite enfance dans les programmes WASH et la mise en œuvre de l'hygiène dans les programmes de développement de la petite enfance ; Les interventions sur le changement de comportement pour réduire l'exposition des nourrissons

Online Training: WASH Systems Academy for Resilience Food Security Activities

PRO-WASH is partnering with Water for People and IRC WASH to bring you an online training on WASH Systems thinking. This training will be eight hours, customized for partners working on rural WASH projects and will be offered in French and English. Spots are limited for this training so sign up today to receive additional information!

Interactive Workshop: Putting People First

During this interactive workshop, we will practically explore what it means to truly include a diversity of voices and remain open and neutral. Several relevant methods and tools will be also be presented, such as Sprockler (participatory narrative inquiry) and the People First Impact Method. You will learn from practitioners in the field and exchange and reflect with other participants on how people-centeredness applies to your own work. In processes - whether in humanitarian projects, citizen engagement, or multi-stakeholder dialogue - we can often impose our own agenda, have pre-set ideas about group needs, or be extractive when getting information

Youth Labor Market Inclusion in Niger

How do intersecting vulnerabilities affect the quality of youth inclusion in labor market in Niger and their ability to move out of and remain out of poverty? How do different forms of livelihoods, education, training, or migration affect youth inclusion? How do these models vary by gender, generation and area of residence? This dissemination event identifies factors that challenge and those which enable involvement in various livelihoods among young women and men in Niger through the analysis of different poverty trajectories in Niamey, Tahoua and Zinder regions. The paper identifies factors that hinder and promote engagement in various livelihoods among