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Early Warning for Food Security using Satellite-based Crop and Rangeland Monitoring System

View Presentation in English View Presentation in French Watch Recording The IGAD Climate Predictions and Applications Center (ICPAC) is a regional climate center providing Climate Services to eleven East African Countries, aimed at boosting resilience in a region deeply affected by climate change and extreme weather. ICPAC coordinates regional responses to drought, and its water resources program works to enhance collaboration on water resources. ICPAC is now working with the EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) to provide regular information on prevailing crop and rangeland conditions across East Africa highlighting areas considered agricultural hotspots in near-real time (every 10 days). ICPAC

WASH Systems Strengthening Course

Watch Opening Recording Watch Closing Recording What is WASH systems strengthening? How can it complement your food security activities? Join PRO-WASH, IRC, and Water for People for this eight-hour online course. You can complete the course during office hours and receive targeted support, or at the time that works best for you. The course will target USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded Resilience Food Security Activities and will include: Introductory and closing webinars – applying systems strengthening to your context Opportunities to connect with colleagues facing similar challenges Office hours from course facilitators – answering questions on course logistics and

Panel: Did COVID-19 Accelerate Empowered and Informed Decision-Making in Food Security Activities?

Watch Recording This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. During this session, panelists: Shared diverse institutional perspectives on how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated empowered and informed decision making Discussed the impact of devolved and decentralized decision making on programmatic implementation and design Discussed the institutional COVID-19 decision-making practices and principles that should be solidified in the years to come. Speakers Luca Russo, Team Leader in Office of Emergency and Resilience, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Dan Gilligan, Deputy Director of Poverty, Health, and Nutrition Division, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Arif Rashid, Division Chief

The Missing Piece of Climate Adaptation: Building Water and Sanitation Services for Resilient Cities

Across the world's cities, climate change is affecting the ability of people living in vulnerable communities to access safe water and sanitation. Drought, extreme flooding, rising sea levels are all affecting water supply. Increased frequency of tropical storms and cyclones is damaging communal water and sanitation infrastructure, as well as increasing the transmission of water-related diseases. Yet often, access to water, sanitation and hygiene is missed out of climate adaptation work. Join us for our online event to explore this challenge further and discuss how we can better integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into climate resilience efforts. Speakers Include: Lord

Learning from Engaging Local Governments During COVID-19

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. A key part of localization is strengthening engagement with local governments. Strategies for engaging local governments can take various shapes and forms. Across BHA-funded activities, partners were already working with governments pre-pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic created new opportunities but also presented challenges in engaging with local governments. This collaborative session will provide a forum for implementing partners to: 1) Discuss how engagements with local governments have evolved during the pandemic period, 2) Highlight specific opportunities, successes and challenges emerging when it comes to engaging

Harnessing Local Solutions for Lasting Change in North-Central Burkina Faso

Watch Recording View Presentation Both recording and presentation are in French. This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. This session presented how the ViMPlus activity, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic among other stressors, has relied on community structures to build resilience and food security at the household level. Community-initiated Groupes d’Apprentissage et de Suivi des Pratiques d’Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant (GASPAs) are one of the main structures ViMPlus relies on. GASPAs are groups of women with children aged 0-23 months who come together to share experiences and support each other to adopt

Women Respond Initiative & Social and Behavior Change Expertise for Nutrition in Emergencies

Watch Recording This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges as we try to evaluate an emerging threat while still providing services and support to vulnerable communities. In this session, two different organizations will expand on the needs, challenges, and recent experiences of women and children during and outside of the pandemic. Teams have found ways to use existing or design new tools to improve their ability to monitor rapidly changing contexts, plan for possibilities, and make more informed choices. In this session, attendees took a detailed look at

Communication Skills for Remote Program Implementation

Watch Recording View Presentation Both recording and presentation are in Spanish. This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. This session presented one of the main challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia. The mobility restriction in the country, which prevented the usual field activities from being carried out at a time of increased vulnerability has led implementers to adapt interventions, taking advantage of existing tools and processes, to offer support remotely. In order to provide remote assistance, technology such as computers, cell phones, internet, and telephone plans are needed, but this is not

Holistic Organizational Capacity Assessment Instrument & Caregiver Mental Health Knowledge Sharing Series & Resources

Watch Recording This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. This Resource Reveal profiled web-based resources addressing organizational capacity assessment and caregiver mental health, respectively. CRS presented the HOCAI (Holistic Organizational Capacity Assessment Instrument) tool, designed to help organizations engage in a process of continuous assessment and improvement. They will talk about the tool itself, virtual use during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a larger web platform which provides a one-stop shop for resources in partnership and capacity strengthening. Food for the Hungry presented a Caregiver Mental Health Knowledge Sharing Series that provides evidence, best practices, and