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The "C" in CLA: Monitoring Collaboration to Improve Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Programming

To improve knowledge-sharing within and among international development organizations, USAID adopted the concept of Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) in 2012. CLA aims to help USAID partners address challenges related to planning, delivering, assessing, and adapting development programming. Collaborating is a key component of CLA, and aims to answer the question of whether organizations are collaborating with the right partners, at the right time, to promote synergy over siloed efforts. This webinar will discuss how development programmers can monitor and assess collaboration. Speakers will outline findings from the literature and consultations with USAID Missions, translating them into actionable guidance for

School Feeding Programs Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific

Prior to COVID-19, an estimated 129 million children received daily school meals in Asia and the Pacific region. School feeding programmes have served a range of objectives, including addressing short-term hunger among school-age children, acting as safety nets during crises, ensuring nutrition security through the provision of diversified, locally-sourced school meals and fortified food commodities, and incentivising school enrolment, attendance, and retention. As part of COVID-19 containment measures, in April 2020, schools were closed in all countries in the region, resulting in significant disruptions in school feeding programmes. Against this backdrop, the World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Bureau for Asia

World Water Week 2021

World Water Week is not just the leading annual conference on global water issues, it is also a powerful movement for change. In 2021, World Water Week focuses on the major transformations that need to take place if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and slash carbon emissions. Within a decade, we must rethink everything from how we grow food and generate energy to how we travel and use natural resources. This will require innovation on an epic scale and collaboration between people from all over the world with many different skills and backgrounds. Since all these transformations

Gender Transformative Approaches to Financial Inclusion for Food Security and Nutrition

Women’s access to quality financial products and services can contribute to the growth of their businesses and to their own economic empowerment. Yet women are less likely than men to own a bank account, access credit, have their own savings and benefit from other financial services. Taking into account and addressing the prevailing social norms that hinder women’s financial inclusion is crucial to closing this financial gender gap. In this webinar, experts on financial inclusion and women’s empowerment will share their experiences and promising practices that are proving successful in influencing social norms for better financial inclusion for rural women

Engaging Community Service Providers Towards Localization

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. Across different sectors, working through community service providers (CSPs) is a common mechanism for cascading training, catalyzing behavior change and facilitating access to essential services and linkages with public and private sector actors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of CSPs has become even more critical as implementing partners relied on frontline actors for programming continuity in light of the public health restrictions. During this session, attendees explored how food security programs are adapting their strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the sustainability

Going Digital in Complex Contexts

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. This session focused on discussing how changes in the global environment have impacted how we work, especially as the world moves from physical convenings to digital ones. We explored how programs have adjusted to digital trends in the face of complex operating environments where internet connectivity is limited, bandwidth and internet coverage remain ad hoc in some places, and the digital divide is more prominent in program operating areas. Facilitators shared experiences from Somalia, the Sahel, and Zimbabwe on what has worked in trying

Practical Tools for Adapting Activities in Complex Environments: Insights from the Sahel

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. For most activities funded by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, operating environments are more complex and dynamic than ever, especially over the last year and a half as the world struggles to cope with the initial shock and ongoing stress of COVID-19 in each country. At the same time, many countries and zones of intervention that were previously “long-term development focused” are now experiencing a complex web of protracted crises—requiring them to pause, reflect, and adapt to growing insecurity, COVID-19/pandemics, and climate change/environmental

Tools and Guidance on Youth Livelihoods for Food Security Programs

Nearly 40% of the world's population is under the age of 24--that's 1.1 billion people (and growing in so many ways!). Across the globe, young people have effectively responded to the COVID pandemic and its social, political and economic impacts. However, youth engagement in decision-making processes and young people's representation has a long way to go in many countries. A new publication released by the SCALE award brings together a wealth of tools and resources to help organizations respond better to the needs of youth in employment and livelihoods programming: A Guide and Cheat Sheet for Resilience Food Security Activities