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CVA for Health Outcomes: From Evidence to Practice in MENA

How can cash and voucher assistance be used to improve health outcomes for vulnerable people caught up in humanitarian crises? How is using CVA for health different to other forms of humanitarian cash programming? CaLP, with strong support from key stakeholders, has carried out a review of the different approaches used or planned in the MENA region for programming cash and voucher assistance to improve access to health services for people in crisis. In addition to providing a light touch of stocktake of regional experience in MENA, the review contributes to the existing analytical framework of enabling factors and key

Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week

The ANH Academy Week is a series of annual events that bring together the community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working at the intersection of agriculture, food systems, nutrition and health. The objective of the ANH Academy Week is to foster knowledge exchange, innovation and learning around interdisciplinary ANH research. ANH2021 consists of: Learning Labs: Monday 21 – Thursday 24 June 2021 Research Conference: Tuesday 29 June - Thursday 1 July 2021 The Preliminary Programme for ANH2021 is now available here under the "Programme" tab. You can register for either, or both, elements of the event. However, Learning Lab spaces

gLOCAL Evaluation Week

The Inspiration of gLOCAL Evaluation week comes from the acknowledgment of two forces that are shaping today's evaluation landscape, where global knowledge shapes local evaluation practices and local experiences influence global evaluation thinking. The Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) is an inclusive global partnership committed to developing country-owned, sustainable monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and capacities to promote the use of evidence in public decision-making, enhance accountability, and achieve better results.

Global Diagnostic Study by RWSN-REACH 100M Initiative

Are you, or do you know, a water service provider working in rural areas? Are you interested in supporting a strategy for results-based funding for rural water service providers? Take this 15-minute survey! The RWSN-REACH 100M Initiative is undertaking a Global Diagnostic of rural water service providers. This research aims to estimate the scale and potential of results-based funding for rural water service provision globally. Right now, the 100M Initiative is reaching out to as many rural water service providers as possible, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries, to administer a short survey collecting data to inform the

Improving Equity in Health by Improving Measurement of Wealth

Health and development projects are often challenged to determine where and how to deploy their limited resources. Research and experience have shown that inequities in wealth are correlated with inequities in health outcomes and access to services. Identifying ‘the poor’ and developing strategies to close health-related equity gaps requires rigorous measurement of wealth. This webinar will share the EquityTool, a tool developed to quickly assess the relative wealth of a surveyed group, using previously collected nationally representative data (e.g. DHS). In Nepal, the EquityTool has been used in Suaahara II, a multi-sectoral program operational in 42 of Nepal’s 77 districts