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Theory of Change Refresher Sessions

Are you experiencing Assumption Agony? Running from Rationales? Is your head spinning with regard to the presentation of recommended TOC narrative content? You are not alone...and TOPS is here to help! The TOPS Program recently conducted four demand-driven Theory of Change refresher sessions between April 24th and 27th. Participants from 21 organizations in three continents identified areas needing clarification on the FFP/TOPS TOC checklist and submitted questions in advance. The refresher sessions were then designed to directly respond to all questions posed by participants. As you prepare your 2018 DFSA applications, be sure to reference the TOC checklist! The checklist

FFP Market-Based Emergency Program Review

The USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP) and TANGO International hosted a stakeholder workshop and webinar for the Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Program implementing partner staff. TANGO presented the main findings from their review of FFP's Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Programs, with examples from seven country case studies, including DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, and Jordan/Turkey as part of the Syria regional response. The objectives of the review were to (1) document the history and evolution of FFP's market-based emergency food assistance programs; (2) review program design and implementation processes; (3) analyze program cost-efficiency trends; and (4)

World Breastfeeding Week

USAID and partners, with assistance from The TOPS Program, hosted a World Breastfeeding Week 2017 Webinar Series! Click here to see the full flyer with a list of the webinars. July 31 - Barriers to Breastfeeding: Findings from a Systematic Review of Practices in 20 Countries Despite numerous global initiatives on breastfeeding, trend data show that exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rates have stagnated over the last two decades. The purpose of this systematic review was to determine barriers to exclusive breastfeeding in 25 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and discuss implications for programs. A search of SCOPUS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PsychINFO

Role of Micronutrients in Child Growth and Development

Micronutrient deficiencies form a leading global health issue resulting in poor child growth and development outcomes. Inadequate micronutrient intake has been identified as one of the causes, but implementing mitigation strategies at scale remains a critical policy and programmatic challenge. In this webinar hosted by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition, speakers will explore research from Nepal and Uganda on micronutrients including vitamin A, iron, folate, and other B vitamins. They will assess the relationship between micronutrient deficiencies in mothers and children, and will discuss how evidence-based interventions and nutrition policy can help alleviate micronutrient malnutrition.

Stakeholder Consultation: USAID/FFP Draft FY16 International Emergency Food Assistance Annual Program Statement

The TOPS Program held a stakeholder consultation for the PVO community and USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP) discussing the draft of the FY16 International Emergency Food Assistance Annual Program Statement (APS). You can now access the event final report, which contains an overview of the consultation, including highlights shared by FFP on proposed changes to the APS; the main recommendations from the PVO community to FFP resulting from both the pre-consultation interviews and the in-person consultation; and all documentation from the consultation event. Event Materials Final Report

Stakeholder Consultation: USAID/FFP Policy and Guidance for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting

The TOPS Program hosted a consultation to provide input and seek clarification for the USAID Office of Food for Peace Policy and Guidance for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting for Development Food Assistance Projects. Among the participants were M&E, Gender, Nutrition, and Livelihoods specialists as well as country backstop officers. TOPS invited attendees to review the guidance and send in their comments and questions prior to the consultation. The submissions were addressed by representatives from the Office of Food for Peace during a comprehensive open discussion among the attendees. Small group work followed with participants looking at specific parts of the

Stakeholder Consultation: FY2016 RFA Refine and Implement Pilot in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The first "Refine & Implement" consultation took place on August 7, 2014. Since that time FFP staff met internally in Washington, DC and in the field to move forward with this exciting undertaking. FFP had discussed and finalized several details, and they shared these updates in the consultation. These updates included: What does R&I really mean? Why is FFP piloting R&I in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the fiscal year 2016? New! Notification of Funding (NOF) format, which replaces the Request for Applications (RFA) model Envisioned Country Specific Information format Timing of the baseline and sharing baseline results Timing

Stakeholder Consultation: Environmental Compliance Budgeting Toolkit

TOPS hosted a review and feedback session on a new draft toolkit, "Aligning Budgets for Implementing Environmental Compliance Safeguards in USAID Development Food Assistance Programs," from USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA)’s Bureau Environmental Officer and the Office of Food For Peace (FFP). This toolkit was produced based on comments and suggestions from extensive bilateral, USAID, and FFP implementing partner consultations, and FPP is now seeking final review and comment by key FFP implementing partner staff involved in both project budget development and management, and environmental compliance. During the session, an overview of the Draft Toolkit was

Stakeholder Consultation: Food for Peace Strategy

TOPS hosted partner consultations in January and February to support the development of Food for Peace's updated strategic plan. These consultations provided an opportunity to harness the significant experience of FFP implementing partners through small group discussion and other participatory methods exploring the roles most appropriate for FFP and its partners to take on in key strategic areas, implications for such work, and factors for both near-term and long-term success. January 28: Social Accountability and Governance Recording Notes February 4: Social Protection Recording Notes February 11: Conflict Sensitive Programming Recording Notes