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FFP Market-Based Emergency Program Review

photo of humanitarian workers
Save the Children
8:30am - 12:30pm ET
Washington, DC
The TOPS Program

The USAID Office of Food for Peace (FFP) and TANGO International hosted a stakeholder workshop and webinar for the Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Program implementing partner staff. 

TANGO presented the main findings from their review of FFP's Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Programs, with examples from seven country case studies, including DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, and Jordan/Turkey as part of the Syria regional response.

The objectives of the review were to (1) document the history and evolution of FFP's market-based emergency food assistance programs; (2) review program design and implementation processes; (3) analyze program cost-efficiency trends; and (4) qualitatively assess the effects of FFP projects on local economies and market actors.

The presentation was followed by small group work and plenary discussions to respond to findings and recommendations. Participants shared experience around key areas of market-based programming such as response analysis, monitoring and evaluation, targeting, and linkages with national programs. 

Event Materials

Event Presentation

For any questions, contact Karyn Fox at