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Emergency Agriculture Projects - Do they work and how do we know?

About Join us to discuss the quality of evidence about the impact that emergency agriculture interventions have on livelihoods. The SEADS Project recently reviewed more than 250 documents and found a limited number that could be categorized as “strong” or “moderate” evidence. This does not mean that the interventions assessed had no impact, but that the documents did not present enough information to tell us whether or not there was an impact. The SEADS coordinator will present the results of the recent SEADS evidence reviews and explain the main reason so many documents were categorized as “weak.” An expert panel

Effectiveness of Multi-Sectoral Programming to Improve Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture, Nutrition and Health

Leveraging multi-sectoral programming to improve health and nutrition has gained attention over recent years. Collaboration between sectors has the potential to address many of the root causes of malnutrition. However, multi-sectoral interventions can be complex and difficult to evaluate, and outcomes can be challenging to measure. In this upcoming webinar, speakers will examine data on multi-sectoral programming from Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition focus countries including Nepal, Uganda, and Bangladesh. They will also discuss approaches and best practices for developing evidence-based interventions across agriculture, nutrition, and health, and will explore implications and future directions for multi-sectoral strategies.

Food Assistance Cost-Effectiveness Tool for Specialized Nutritious Foods

FACET4SNF was developed by the Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR) project managed by Tufts University to help USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and its implementing partners make more effective and cost-effective decisions regarding program design and SNF product choice for the Treatment of Wasting and the Prevention of Stunting, Wasting, and Underweight. This web-based, interactive tool allows decision-makers (technical advisors, business development/program designers, supply chain staff, etc.) to compare alternative SNF products, procurement strategies, and program design choices to improve food assistance programs. USAID/BHA Workshop: Food Assistance Cost-Effectiveness Tool for Specialized Nutritious Foods is targeting implementing organizations who wish to

Trial, Error, and Success: Learning from Twenty Years of Voucher Interventions for Agriculture in Mozambique

The webinar will look at the past and present experiences from Mozambique, where the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been implementing voucher interventions over the past 20 years. The event will provide an opportunity to discuss issues as diverse as food security, market development, dissemination of new seed varieties, and FAO technological innovation, and will also allow our speakers to reflect on the way forward. Join us to find out more about what FAO has been learning in Mozambique throughout the years.