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Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event

View this webpage in English | View this webpage in French You can download the PDF version of the agenda. Sobre el Evento Facilitado por IDEAL, Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event será un evento colaborativo, de varios días, que está programado del 21 al 24 de junio del 2021. Hacer una pausa para reflexionar sobre las lecciones aprendidas hasta la fecha implementando actividades de seguridad alimentaria de emergencia y no emergencia durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Explorar las innovaciones y las adaptaciones derivadas de las respuestas en un entorno cambiante. Examinar las consecuencias y la utilidad de las lecciones aprendidas

Building Resilience through Women's Groups: A discussion on why psychosocial factors are critical for their success

Watch Recording in English Watch Recording in French About This event, hosted by FinEquity and the Resilience, Evaluation, Analysis, and Learning (REAL) Associate Award, created space and time for practitioners, researchers, and donors to think critically about the role women’s groups may play to build resilience. Through a panel discussion and facilitated participatory breakout sessions, the event provided an opportunity to draw on both the evidence review and concrete experiences to deepen participants’ understanding of the ways in which women’s groups can facilitate their members’ and their households’ capacity to be more resilient in the face of shocks and stresses

Emergency Food Security Practitioners Forum

About The Emergency Food Security Practitioners Forum aims to help food security practitioners access a network of peers to share resources, best practices, learnings, and tools related to emergency food security programming. Through this community, emergency implementing practitioners are able to: Share resources, best practices, learnings, and tools related to emergency food security program design and implementation with a network of peers Connect with other practitioners engaged in emergency food security issues (e.g. private sector, researchers, donors) Collaborate with BHA-funded mechanisms (e.g., IDEAL, SCALE, PRO-WASH, REAL, etc.) for information, feedback, and outreach related to emergency food security programming The Forum

The Caregiver Mental Health Knowledge Sharing Series

The Caregiver Mental Health Knowledge Sharing Series is an initiative of the Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) activity funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). The Task Force members of the Caregiver Mental Health Series are excited to share the newly finalized outcomes of the Research, Implementation and Advocacy working groups, including a Caregiver Mental Health Advocacy Brief, a Rapid Research Review on the impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health, and samples of Case Studies highlighting organizations and governments who have successfully prioritized and addressed caregiver mental health. These products will soon be housed on the Caregiver

Climate Finance for WASH

Climate finance is a complex domain that the WASH sector has yet to tap into. Development banks, aid agencies and the private sector are the main sources of what is generally considered climate finance, but multilateral institutions such as the Green Climate Fund also fund climate activities. National and bilateral climate finance initiatives are emerging sources of funding, and the growth of green bonds signals an increasing appetite for municipal and private investment in debt capital markets for climate change. This webinar will support SWA partners in navigating the climate financing landscape. It will outline trends, discuss the advantages and

Practical Integration of Climate Resilience into WASH Strategies and Plans

The impact of climate change is already very clear, and though the future is uncertain, the fact that the world must take bold action to counteract the effects of climate change, and build more resilient systems, is undeniable. And this is also true for the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. This webinar will inform SWA partners about practical ways to integrate climate resilience into WASH policies, strategies, and plans. It will outline the objectives of climate-resilient WASH; the importance of WASH climate risk assessments to identify the right adaptation and mitigation priorities; and how a results framework for climate-resilient WASH