Emergency Food Security Practitioners Forum

The Emergency Food Security Practitioners Forum collects and shares resources, best practices, and learnings related to emergency food security programming

photo of humanitarian workers


The Emergency Food Security Practitioners Forum aims to help food security practitioners access a network of peers to share resources, best practices, learnings, and tools related to emergency food security programming. 

Through this community, emergency implementing practitioners are able to:

  • Share resources, best practices, learnings, and tools related to emergency food security program design and implementation with a network of peers
  • Connect with other practitioners engaged in emergency food security issues (e.g. private sector, researchers, donors)
  • Collaborate with BHA-funded mechanisms (e.g., IDEAL, SCALE, PRO-WASH, REAL, etc.) for information, feedback, and outreach related to emergency food security programming

The Forum intentionally focuses on food security programming in emergency contexts (including early action, relief, and early recovery). The topic “food security” is inclusive of programming related to food assistance (including cash-based approaches) as well as other activities that contribute to food security outcomes (e.g., agriculture and livelihoods in emergencies, nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programming, disaster risk reduction, etc.). 

Questions? Email Kate McMahon (Senior Food Security Advisor) at Mercy Corps to learn more.

Listserv Link

Ways to Engage

Join the Forum

To join the Emergency Food Security Practitioners Forum, please email the listserv by clicking below and you will be added as a member. By joining the Forum, you will be able to share resources, present and answer questions, and engage with other emergency implementing practitioners. You will also be able to attend our quarterly meetings to meet and discuss specific issues (via panel discussions or webinars on specific topics). 

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Submit Resources

The Emergency Food Security Practitioners Forum welcomes you to share resources (guidance notes, tip sheets, videos, training modules, etc.) that may be helpful to other emergency food security practitioners by using the button below. The Forum also encourages you to explore the FSN Network Resource Library to access available global emergency food security resources by clicking here.

Submit Resources