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What a year of COVID has taught us about the value of water

Read this blog in French here. Introduction Today we celebrate World Water Day under the theme Valuing Water. The timing is appropriate. Just recently, we somberly observed the one-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic declaration, and I think we all feel the value of water more than ever. A full year of intense handwashing, cleaning, and disinfection in our homes, workplaces, and healthcare settings has taught us all – as individuals, households, and communities – the critical role water plays in the fight against infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. At the same time, the pandemic itself has put at risk

Ce qu'une année de COVID nous a enseigné sur la valeur de l'eau

Lire ce blog en anglais ici. Introduction Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons la Journée mondiale de l'eau sous le thème de la valorisation de l'eau. Le moment est bien choisi. Tout récemment, nous avons observé avec tristesse le premier anniversaire de la déclaration de la pandémie de COVID-19, et je pense que nous ressentons tous plus que jamais la valeur de l'eau. Une année intensive de lavage des mains, de nettoyage et de désinfection dans nos foyers, sur nos lieux de travail et dans les établissements de santé nous a enseigné à tous - en tant qu'individus, ménages et communautés - le

Market Systems Symposium 2021

The purpose of the Market Systems Symposium is to provide the inspiration, capacity building, and connections you need to strengthen and transform your market systems development practice. Join leading experts, practitioners, and donors from around the globe to advance conversations exploring innovations in research and the application of market systems development strategies, through inspiring dialogues, capacity-building breakouts, hands-on tool workshops, and abundant networking. The Symposium will explore key themes critical for industry development, including: Private Sector Engagement; Market Systems Resilience; Adaptive Management; Climate Adaption, Conservation & Market Systems; Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development; Market System Program Design & Practical Implementation; Measurement &