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The Permagarden Pathway to Resilience & Food Security: Lessons in Scaling Up from Nepal and Uganda

Webinar Recording Webinar Presentation Note: This event is co-hosted with the Home Gardens For Resilience and Recovery (HG4RR) Network. To learn more, click here. About International organizations working in both stable and humanitarian contexts promote home garden projects as part of their agriculture, nutrition or multisectoral programming. Most organizations have their own approaches to garden implementation, training participants, scaling up while maintaining quality, and sustainability of the gardens. During this webinar, you will learn about one garden approach, the Permagarden Method , and hear from Mercy Corps and African Women Rising (AWR) as they share challenges, successes, and evidence around

Strengthening African Country Data Systems: The CAADP Biennial Review Toolkit

Ownership and inclusivity are important features in a strong data system. The Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) has created a process to increase ownership of data, inclusivity of data structures, and learning about agricultural progress amongst key stakeholders on the African continent. This process is called the CAADP Biennial Review (BR). The BR is a highly participatory data collection, analysis, and learning process. It captures the African continent’s agricultural progress based on country-level data, across 47 indicators collected every two years in a process coordinated by the African Union (AU). The BR is intended to spark dynamic dialogue, reflection

Solar Powered Water Systems in Humanitarian Context: Specific Considerations and Limitations of SPWS

This webinar will discuss the design aspect of SPWS along with the practical limitations. It will set the scene by providing an overview of common design questions such as pumping rate, batteries and tank sizing. Oxfam will present a case study from Cox Bazar, Bangladesh on the design and performance of SPWS in the refugee camps. IOM UN Migration will then share practical limitations such as designing for long-term camps vs emergency settlement and water rationing in the camps. The four-part webinar series, “Capacity Building and Learning on Solar Powered Water Systems” is organized jointly by the Global Solar and

Awarded Small Grants

Emergency and non-emergency implementing partners can utilize these small grants to fund and grow ideas that will benefit the food and nutrition security community. IDEAL’s small grants provided funding for emergency and non-emergency implementing partners to leverage opportunities for innovation and learning or to fund new initiatives. Grants supported a number of activities, such as testing new approaches, strengthening knowledge management systems, supporting applied research, organizing events, disseminating new tools and best practices, and more.