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Better Gender Outcomes

About Funded by the IDEAL Small Grants Program, CARE's Better Gender Outcomes activity studied global practices for multi-modal food assistance programming to promote positive gender outcomes and inspire dialogue on this topic across the FSN implementer community. Details Grant Type: Micro Grant Organization: CARE Country/Region: Global Dates: February 2020 - January 2021 Award Size: <$50,000 Content Focus Areas: Equity, Empowerment, Social Cohesion, and Social Accountability

2020 Global Food Policy Report: Building Inclusive Food Systems

Join IFPRI for this virtual launch event! Food systems are critical to every aspect of people’s well-being, from what they eat to how they earn their livelihoods to their options for the future. IFPRI’s flagship report highlights the critical role that inclusive food systems can play in improving nutrition, creating employment and income-generating opportunities and increasing the empowerment of disadvantaged groups.

Insights into Implementing Recurrent Monitoring Surveys in USAID-funded Activities

Recording in English Presentation in English Recording in French Presentation in French About | En français, cliquez ici This event organized by REAL was a discussion on the practical aspects of planning and implementing a recurrent monitoring survey (RMS), featuring panelists from Mercy Corps and TANGO International (see below for panelist bios) with first-hand experience of completing an RMS. The panelists discussed considerations for setting up an RMS and lessons learned from using the findings for management decisions and learning, drawing on Mercy Corps’ experience implementing an RMS for the Food Security Program in DRC and TANGO International’s experience implementing

Request for Proposals: Mid-Term Evaluation of the IDEAL Activity

IDEAL has entered the third year of its five-year period of performance and is requesting quotations from evaluation consultant(s) to conduct a mid-term evaluation. The detailed expectations and requirements for this work are described in the Scope of Work (SOW) below. The purpose of this mid-term evaluation is to take stock of the IDEAL activities implemented to-date and compare it to its original intent, with an emphasis on recent adjustments (including the comprehensive Theory of Change developed in Year 2) as well as its pivot and propel work related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The mid-term evaluation will: Inform activity leadership

Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event

View Agenda About Facilitated by IDEAL, the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event created an opportunity for emergency and non-emergency practitioners of USAID/Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance-funded activities to: Pause and reflect on the lessons learned so far from implementing emergency and non-emergency food security activities during the COVID-19 pandemic; Explore innovations and adaptations resulting from the response to a changing environment; Discuss the implications and applicability of lessons learned and adaptations across pandemic contexts to situations beyond COVID-19; and Network with colleagues to establish and strengthen relationships for peer-to-peer collaboration and learning. Watch our video messages below from James Akai and