Stakeholder Consultation: USAID/FFP Policy and Guidance for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting
The TOPS Program hosted a consultation to provide input and seek clarification for the USAID Office of Food for Peace Policy and Guidance for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting for Development Food Assistance Projects. Among the participants were M&E, Gender, Nutrition, and Livelihoods specialists as well as country backstop officers.
TOPS invited attendees to review the guidance and send in their comments and questions prior to the consultation. The submissions were addressed by representatives from the Office of Food for Peace during a comprehensive open discussion among the attendees. Small group work followed with participants looking at specific parts of the guidance, and further raising comments, seeking clarification, and giving recommendations.
Representatives from the Office of Food for Peace stated that they welcome the comments made during the meeting and will take them into consideration during the revision of the document. They further explained that the guidance will be a living document, which will see revisions.