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Intro Session: WASH Systems Strengthening Course

Watch Recording What is WASH systems strengthening? How can it complement your Food Security Activities? Learn more about this eight-hour online course during our interactive, 60-minute intro session. You can complete the course during office hours and receive targeted support, or at the time that works best for you. The course will target USAID BHA funded Resilience Food Security Activities (others are welcome to join) and will include: Introductory and closing webinars – applying systems strengthening to your context Opportunities to connect with colleagues facing similar challenges Office hours from course facilitators – answering questions on course logistics and content

Soybean Disease in the Tropics: A Management Toolkit - Soybean Innovation Lab Webinar

Soybean has been the fastest-growing broad land crop for the last 20 years as farmers attempt to meet the rising demand for a variety of feed, food, and industrial products. As soybean production across Africa is expected to increase, this will likely lead to an increase in the prevalence of soybean disease. Soybean diseases of particular interest in Africa include frogeye leaf spot, red leaf blotch, rust, and sudden death syndrome. Diseases may be introduced to the crop through human activity, seeds, vectors, or water and wind. In other cases, such as with the fungus that causes red leaf blotch

Beyond Food Provision and Job Creation

ADRA Yemen will be presenting its findings on its IDEAL funded “Beyond Food Provision and Job Creation” study done in Yemen. This study aimed to try to start understanding the impact that working with food aid through food vendors in FFP programs and working to rebuild livelihoods through business restoration in OFDA programs impacted communities beyond the primary objectives of food aid and livelihood restoration. The idea stems from “Market Systems Resilience” where the approach strategically targets businesses to address “market weaknesses”. In this study, ADRA wanted to know if the implicit strengthening of markets, by working with food vendors

Innovative Financing Through Food Systems to Improve Diets

While nutrition initiatives in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) have traditionally been supported with public funding (via donors and/or local governments), a major potential financial resource remains untapped: private sector investment. The Nutritious Food Financing Facility (N3F) is one attempt to change this. The N3F was initiated by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to catalyze private sector innovation in nutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa. USAID’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS) is interested in identifying and supporting appropriate mechanisms through which businesses, specifically small- and medium enterprises (SMEs) working in the nutritious food space, can better access financing