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Destigmatizing Remote Data Collection Quality

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. During COVID-19 much of the data collection was moved remotely out of necessity. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma in the way of bias and limitations to this data collection technique, while many of the benefits are ignored. This collaborative session focuses on destigmatizing remote data collection through techniques gained through field experiences and implementing partners. Additionally, a better understanding and explanation of the benefits and limitations or biases implicit in remote data collection is discussed as well as working to demystify some common

Market and Supply Chain Monitoring Toolkit & Integrated Context Monitoring and Adaptive Scenario Planning Tool

Watch Recording This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. The pandemic has presented new challenges as we try to evaluate an emerging threat while still providing services and support to vulnerable communities. Several teams found ways to use existing or design new tools to improve their ability to monitor rapidly changing contexts, plan for possibilities, and make more informed choices. In this session, attendees took a detailed look at two such tools, one for monitoring markets and the other for scenario planning. Both offer data-driven, accessible approaches to adaptive management that can be used in

Empowering Women and Girls through Digital Inclusion & Mobilizing Local Voices for Risk Communication and Response

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. COVID-19 sent many of us scurrying for digital, virtual approaches to continue our work. But what about communities on the wrong side of the digital divide, with limited access and coverage? How do we reach, build trust with, and reliably support those who would not typically reach for their phones as a way to get critical information and assistance? This session brought two perspectives from Bangladesh—one focused on gender equity, the other on risk communications—to describe how teams are using digital innovations successfully to

Panel: What are our Challenges and Opportunities as a Food Security Community in this Virtual World?

View Recording This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. During this session, panelists: Explored staff well-being in an increasingly hyper-connected working environment Discussed ways to uphold inclusion principles to “leave no one behind” as project teams choose across the spectrum of analog and digital solutions Shared insights with the emergency and non-emergency food security community on the future of digital solutions in our field Speakers Claudine Lim, Manager of Principles for Digital Development, Digital Impact Alliance Priscilla Chomba Kinywa, Head of Digital and Technology, ActionAid Jesus Melendez, Senior Technical Advisor for Data and Digital Development

Panel: Examining the Trajectory of Localization during COVID-19

View Recording This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. During this session, panelists: Highlighted different ways international agencies and local partners have adapted to strengthen collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic Examined lessons learned from highlighted successes and challenges Discussed opportunities and recommendations for enhancing localization Speakers Eman Ismail, Regional Representative for Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and Localization Lead, International Council on Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) Zemedie Zewdie, Chief of Party of Pathways to Resilience, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Zenebe Tsegwa, Head of Programming, Hararghe Catholic Secretariat Hamsatu James, Program Manager, Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria

Adapting Child Nutrition Screening & Adaptations to Strengthen Communities and Health Systems during COVID-19

Watch Recording View Presentation This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. COVID-19 lockdowns impacted household access to healthy foods, drastically reduced family incomes, and further reduced already poor access to health and nutrition services. In this environment, where childhood nutrition outcomes were further threatened, projects in Uganda and Kenya responded with a variety of strategies for ensuring family-based nutrition screening and access to health and nutrition services. Attendees learned about their strategies to collaborate with communities, local implementers, and government in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Speakers Robinah Nannungi, AVSI Foundation, Uganda Robinah Nannungi

Panel: What are RCCE Key Principles and Best Practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

View Recording This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event. During this session, panelists: Defined Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) and its importance in food security and nutrition programming Shared insights into best practices and lessons learned, from a regional perspective, about RCCE during the pandemic and for application in future related shocks Reflected on experiences in adapting existing SBC approaches and programming for COVID-19 RCCE Speakers Arianna S., Behavior Change & Community Health Advisor, Save the Children Charles Kakaire, ESA RCCE WG Coordinator, UNICEF Renuka Bery, BA RISE II, Save the Children Nicole Grable