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Panel: What are our Challenges and Opportunities as a Food Security Community in this Virtual World?

photo of a woman holding a phone
Save the Children
7:45am - 8:30am ET

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This event was a session at the Food Security COVID-19 Learning Event.

During this session, panelists:

  • Explored staff well-being in an increasingly hyper-connected working environment 
  • Discussed ways to uphold inclusion principles to “leave no one behind” as project teams choose across the spectrum of analog and digital solutions 
  • Shared insights with the emergency and non-emergency food security community on the future of digital solutions in our field 


Claudine Lim, Manager of Principles for Digital Development, Digital Impact Alliance

Priscilla Chomba Kinywa, Head of Digital and Technology, ActionAid

Jesus Melendez, Senior Technical Advisor for Data and Digital Development, IREX

Kim Cook, Director of Collaboration, Learning, and Adaptation, Save the Children