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Change through Culture: Stories Without Endings Presentation

The goal of The Grandmother Project - Change through Culture is to improve the health, education, and well-being of children, women, and girls in developing countries by empowering grandmothers to catalyze change in socio-cultural norms. The Grandmother Project develops innovative and empowering methods and tools that engage community members in active reflection on both their past experiences and on new information that is shared with them. This guide, developed with a TOPS Small Grant, deals with "Stories Without Endings," one type of interactive learning activity which the Grandmother Project has used in their work with various organizations in a number

Call for Applications: Scholarships for J-PAL's Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course

About Held live over Zoom, J-PAL's Africa Evaluating Social Programs Course will equip participants with the resources and knowledge to engage with impact evaluations of social programs. This training will provide participants with a thorough understanding of why and when researchers and policymakers might choose to conduct randomized evaluations and how randomized evaluations are designed in real-world settings. The course provides an in-depth look at using randomized evaluations to rigorously measure social impact, methods and considerations for their design and implementation, and how findings can inform evidence-based policies and programs. Lectures and case studies use real-world examples from Africa on

Not Just Mom's Job: USAID Invests in Breastfeeding Around the World

For more than 40 years, USAID has promoted breastfeeding to save lives, prevent malnutrition, and enhance the long-term health and development of women and children. The Agency’s maternal and child nutrition programs aim to educate and support mothers and families on the benefits of breastfeeding by addressing the key barriers to optimal breastfeeding practices. In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week 2021, join to hear USAID country programs share their experiences with protecting and promoting breastfeeding across communities, health systems and in emergency settings around the world. In addition to gaining access to the event, registrants will also receive breastfeeding content

Effective Pathways to Africa's Agricultural Transformation

Agriculture is Africa's primary gateway out of hunger and poverty; the sector employs 65 - 70 percent of Africa's labor force while supporting the livelihoods of 90 percent of the population. However, for the sector to lead the path to the desired food security and superior incomes for Africa, it is imperative that conversations and investments are made towards transforming the continent's agricultural work into a profitable and sustainable enterprise. The urgency of this transformation has been made clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the continent has been forced to re-think its food production and distribution systems. It is against

Operation and Maintenance of WASH Infrastructure Webinar Series - Part II

Click on the link below to learn more about Part I of this webinar series. O&M Webinar Series Part I These four webinars will build on the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Infrastructure webinars held in April and May 2021. They will share lessons learned, and report on promising projects and innovative practices in the field of WASH O&M. Speakers will be USAID partners and other leading O&M practitioners, who will draw out important lessons that are more widely applicable. Topics covered by these webinars will include: Recent initiatives and promising advances in WASH infrastructure