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Change through Culture: Stories Without Endings Presentation

photo of humanitarian workers
Save the Children
2:00pm - 4:30pm ET
The TOPS Program

The goal of The Grandmother Project - Change through Culture is to improve the health, education, and well-being of children, women, and girls in developing countries by empowering grandmothers to catalyze change in socio-cultural norms. The Grandmother Project develops innovative and empowering methods and tools that engage community members in active reflection on both their past experiences and on new information that is shared with them.

This guide, developed with a TOPS Small Grant, deals with "Stories Without Endings," one type of interactive learning activity which the Grandmother Project has used in their work with various organizations in a number of African and Asian countries. At the community level, in different cultural contexts and in both rural and urban areas, the use of the "Stories Without Endings" approach has proven to be an excellent way to engage groups of community members and challenge them to re-examine certain traditional ideas and to reinforce positive cultural practices while encouraging them to adopt new and improved practices.

The TOPS Program hosted Judi Aubel, Executive Director of The Grandmother Project, for a presentation on Stories Without Endings.

Event Resources

Event Recording 

Event Presentation

Resource: Stories Without An Ending: An Adult Education Tool for Dialogue and Social Change

The Grandmother Project developed another very useful tool with a previous TOPS Small Grant – Focus on Families and Culture: A guide for conducting a participatory assessment on maternal and child nutrition – and it was among the 10 resources most downloaded from the FSN Network in 2015 when it was published. Read it here.