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Rethinking Migration: Challenge or Opportunity?

Watch Recording Join SCALE for an armchair chat, as practitioners and researchers question assumptions about economic migration and its role in development. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis have shown us that now more than ever, a new understanding and approach to migration is necessary. News stories of migrants stranded after COVID lockdowns and the growing recognition of a link between climate change and increased migration are pushing us to re-evaluate immigration and migration management strategies. A few partners of USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance have turned the issue on its head, starting with the premise that migration is
The title page of the tool. In the background is a photo of an older woman who is smiling and bending down to wash her hands under a water spout on the side of a wall. At the very are the logos for Plan International and Australian Aid. The title of the tool is in big bold letters with the word Monitoring highlighted with a blue background. At the bottom it says "This book belongs to" and then includes a blank space.

Gender and WASH Monitoring Tool

Plan International Australia and Australian Aid
Sector Type:
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene | Gender Equality
Year Published: