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Market-based Agricultural Technology Scaling in Fragmented Market Settings: Three Cases

Agricultural technology scaling is a complex, long-term systems change phenomenon that requires many years and many partners to achieve success. One of the most difficult components of large scale scaling is the gradual transfer of the drivers of scaling from public sector research and donor-supported testing and outreach actors to private sector players. Private sector players are successfully incentivized to take on technology scaling that will mostly benefit very poor, small-scale, non-commercial agricultural households. They often receive significant donor support and carry out these market-based investments where there is a strong business infrastructure and viable market systems. It is therefore

Challenge & Opportunity: How Three Female Agricultural Entrepreneurs are Responding to COVID-19

COVID-19 has dramatically changed business as we know it, especially for agricultural entrepreneurs. Join Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation Director Laura Harwig in a discussion with three of our partners about their experiences adapting to the pandemic and what it means for the future of their respective businesses. As part of this discussion, Partnering for Innovation will share highlights from its recent survey capturing the impact of COVID-19 on our past and current partners engaged in various agribusiness sectors across 19 countries. Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation is changing the landscape for supporting agriculture in emerging-market countries by

COVID-19 & Humanitarian Settings: Knowledge & Experience Sharing

The READY Initiative, Health in Humanitarian Crisis Center at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Geneva Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action (CERHA), and the Center for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins University are hosting a weekly webinar series on COVID-19 and humanitarian settings. The series will take place on Wednesdays from 8–9 am (U.S. Eastern Daylight Time). Recordings of the series will be posted and follow-up discussions will take place in READY’s discussion forum.

Spring 2020 FACG Meeting

FACG invites you to their Spring 2020 Meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2020. The meeting will take place from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) via Adobe Connect. The webinar information can be found below: For Audio - Dial in (toll free): (888) 330-1716; Access Code: 4139465 For Visual - AIDConnect: Please note that you will need to join both the AIDConnect and the call-in for both audio and visual components. Please reach out to with any questions.

International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Asia COVID-19 Webinar Series

COVID-19 has through its unrelenting spread over the past months, affected millions around the world. Besides unprecedented governments measures through social and public health systems to contain the extensive illness and death tragedies, we are seeing damages to vast sectors of industries that are pillars to trade and economy of most countries, such as food and supply chains, jobs, commerce, education, tourism and etc. This webinar series is organized by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) and its entities in Asia to share pertinent aspects and insights in science, food resilience, health research, and measures, as well as technological developments

5th Annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy Week

This year’s Academy Week will bring together a community of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from across the world working at the intersection of agriculture, nutrition and health to foster knowledge exchange, innovation, and learning, touching on COVID-19's impacts on our shared work. In order to strike a balance between maximizing content across time zones but not overloading presenters or participants, the Learning Labs and Research Conference will take place over two separate weeks, each consisting of three days. Both weeks of ANH2020 will include a mixture of curated, bite-sized pre-recorded materials with interactive live sessions, and innovative social hangout sessions

Poverty Monitoring in the Context of COVID-19

The spread of the Covid-19 virus is testing the health and economic systems of individual countries and the world as a whole. The standard response ‘toolkit’ is mainly aimed at containing the spread of the virus, and focuses less on the short- and medium-term economic and social measures required to address the needs of people in or near poverty. Across developing countries, there are growing concerns about the impact that the pandemic and the policy responses will have on the lives of the poorest and most marginalized who may be least able to withstand Covid-19 on top of their existing

The Politics of Information and Analysis in Famine and Extreme Emergencies

The ability to predict and analyze famine has improved sharply in the past 15 years. However, the political influences on data collection and analysis in famine and extreme emergencies continue to limit evidence-based prevention and response. In many crises, good quality data are not readily available, which makes it easy to undermine analysis processes and distort findings. Sometimes governments or armed groups exert influence for political ends. Additionally, aid agencies, donors, and even local leaders sometimes also try to influence findings. During this webinar, the Feinstein International Center will share some good practices for better managing political influences. We will

Integrating Savings and Income Generating Activities into Community Health Clubs to Improve Latrine Construction in Zimbabwe

The webinar recording and presentation slides are now available, as well as the following additional resources shared by the presenters: USAID FFP M&E Policy and Guidance, 2020 IDEAL Qualitative M&E during Covid-19, Webinar and FAQ IDEAL QualMe Community of Practice web page, July 2020 COVID-19 Hygiene Hub: Summary report on remote quantitative and qualitative approaches for understanding COVID-19 related behaviors and perceptions Recently, the Amalima program in Zimbabwe, funded by USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) undertook a qualitative assessment to understand how integrating savings and income generating activities into Community Health Clubs can support improvements in sanitation and