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Desviacón positiva/talleres hogareños

Desviación positiva/talleres hogareños

CORE Group
Sector Type:
Maternal Child Health and Nutrition | Child Health | Health Systems Strengthening | Maternal Health & Nutrition | Capacity Strengthening
Year Published:

Monitoring & Evaluation Learning Stream

About the Learning Stream As programs look to mitigate the spread and impact of COVID-19, the M&E community has been forced to consider different means of monitoring and evaluating. The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Learning Stream aims to help the M&E community identify and share promising practices related to the challenges presented by COVID-19 through peer-to-peer learning. Past Events COVID-19 Data for Decision-Making: Activity Showcases East and Southern Africa | October 7, 2020 | View digital posters West and Central Africa | November 19, 2020 | View digital posters Middle East, North Africa, and Asia | February 2, 2021 |
Desvio positivo/atelier doméstico

Desvio positivo/atelier doméstico

CORE Group
Sector Type:
Maternal Child Health and Nutrition | Child Health | Health Systems Strengthening | Maternal Health & Nutrition | Capacity Strengthening
Year Published:

Strategic Management Learning Stream

About the Learning Stream As the food security implementing community adjusts to the long-term impacts of COVID-19, there is an increasing focus on how leadership can provide support to their colleagues and beyond through strategic management. This Learning Stream aims to help emergency and non-emergency activity leaders learn from one another on how to continually improve support structures within their activities given the COVID-19 context. Past Meetings Safety and Security of Activity Staff and Participants During COVID-19 (invite only) May 18, 2020 | 8:00 - 9:00 AM ET | Online Sureté et sécurité du personnel des projets en temps de

Online Collaboration Learning Stream

About the Learning Stream With the COVID-19 pandemic requiring everyone to follow stay-at-home orders to curb transmission, organizations have had to adapt to remote work and online collaboration. The Online Collaboration learning stream explores how we can do our food security work effectively online during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Leveraging technology, it will focus on practical approaches, platforms, and tools to support the food security community in its transition to virtual environments. Past Meetings Digital Solutions for Program Implementation November 5, 2020 | 9:00 - 10:30 AM ET | Online Presentation slides and recordings Running Effective Online Meetings May