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Cash, Voucher, and Food Distribution Learning Stream

About the Learning Stream The rising challenges due to COVID-19 will require the food security implementing community to remain responsive in order to adequately address increasing threats to household food security. Against this background, IDEAL launched the Cash, Voucher, and Food Distribution Learning Stream, which aims to bring together implementers of food security programs and stakeholders to: Share and reflect on emerging challenges and adaptations for delivery of food assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic Identify knowledge and capacity gaps that arise as implementers adapt food assistance delivery mechanisms during the COVID-19 crisis Foster peer-to-peer exchange and collective problem-solving Past Meetings

Addressing At-Risk Populations Learning Stream

About the Learning Stream COVID-19 is not only imposing an unprecedented health risk to populations globally, but it is also threatening the food security and livelihoods of vulnerable communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing development activities to adapt to a fast-changing environment in which populations are becoming more isolated, gender-based violence (GBV) is increasing, and interventions are becoming more difficult to implement. The Addressing At-Risk Populations Learning Stream allows implementers to share and reflect on emerging challenges and adaptations for integrating gender in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Past Meetings Discussion on Gender Integration in DFSAs during COVID-19 (invite only)

PRO-WASH Capacity Strengthening Activities

About PRO-WASH employs a multi-faceted approach to help strengthen the technical capacities of BHA implementing partners in WASH. PRO-WASH’s menu of capacity-strengthening support spans a variety of activities, including in-person and remote trainings, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and one-on-one technical assistance. PRO-WASH’s Learning and Capacity Strengthening Specialists also provides Training of Trainers (ToT) workshops, with practical cascade training methods for later delivery to field-level partners. Topics where PRO-WASH can support BHA partners to strengthen their WASH knowledge and skills include market-based sanitation, water quality monitoring, designing WASH activities to address fecal-oral route interception, and market-based programming for conducting emergency WASH activities