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Humentum COVID-19 Response Updates

This recurring virtual roundtable will meet every Thursday in March at 10 am ET to discuss updates to Humentum members' coronavirus/Covid-19 response, share resources, and communicate next steps. This will include a report out of that week's spot poll results. Please check your spam/junk inbox for the log-in information and approve the email address as "not junk" so you will receive future log-in details. Note: This is intended for all levels of staff of Humentum member organizations. We are also hosting recurring meetings on Mondays at 12 pm for senior-level staff. If you would like more information about the senior

SADC Futures Webinar Series

In these highly uncertain and rapidly changing times, the SADC (Southern African Development Community) region, like many regions in Africa, remains fundamentally dependent on a resilient agricultural system and natural resource base. Climate change still poses the greatest threat to the agricultural system and therefore technical capacity is needed to address these future impacts and adapt plans, policies and programs. Taking into account alternative futures, this tailored foresight training equips users to practically apply the range of foresight tools and methods for innovative strategic planning and policy formulation for climate resilience. This virtual training webinar series will get you ready

Micronutrients in emergencies: How can we prevent an increase in hidden hunger?

The COVID-19 pandemic is transforming our world. We are seeing rapid changes in areas such as health care delivery, food security, agriculture, and international aid prioritization. In addition to the immediate impact to health and society, the COVID-19 pandemic may result in significant short- and long-term disruptions to food systems, resulting in decreased availability of nutritious foods, and a rise in the global prevalence of all forms of malnutrition, including micronutrient malnutrition. Micronutrient deficiencies can easily develop, or be exacerbated, during such an emergency. Previous emergencies must inform how we meet the micronutrient needs of affected people. The Micronutrient Forum

ندوة عبر الانترنت بعنوان: مقدمة إلى تصميم البرامج القائمة على الأسس السوقية في مجالي المياه والإصحاح البيئي في حالات الطوارىء

The recording, summary note, and presentation slides for this event are now available. نحن ندعوكم للتسجيل لحضور الندوة يوم االإثنين 1 حزيران\ يونيو 2020 في تمام الساعة_1:00 مساءً بتوقيت عَمّان ،الأردن يقوم كل من التكتل العالمي للمياه والإصحاح البيئي، ومركز الممارسات والابحاث وعمليات المياه والإصحاح البيئي، وشراكة التعلم النقدي باستضافة مشتركة لندوة بعنوان " مقدمة الى إلى البرمجة القائمة على الأسس السوقية في مجالي المياه والإصحاح البيئي في حالات الطوارىء". حيث ستقوم الندوة بالتعريف بكيفية استخدام البرمجة القائمة على أسس السوق في حالات الطوارىء، و إعطاء نظرة عامة على المناهج المختلفة والمستخدمة في هذا السياق والتي تتضمن المساعدات القائمة على

Market-led Interventions for Seed Security Response

From contexts of emergencies to times of peace, markets are pivotal in helping farmers access seed. In this webinar, panelists will present lessons from two reviews of market-led emergency seed interventions, analyzing both the supply and demand side. Panelists will discuss how on the supply side, interventions tend to focus on formal sector market support to ensure seed availability, particularly for improved or modern varieties. They will dive into the potential for both donors and implementors to be more innovative in developing market-led interventions that go beyond seed availability support. On the demand side, the reviews find that cash transfers

Virtual Dialogues on the Road to the 34th Committee on Fisheries: Illuminating Hidden Harvest

The Virtual Dialogues on the Road to the 34th Committee on Fisheries (COFI34) will be held from 13-17 July 2020. On Tuesday, 14 July 2020 at 19:00 – 20:30 (UTC+8) on the Zoom platform, our Illuminating Hidden Harvest (IHH) Team from WorldFish, with close collaboration with FAO and Duke University, will be participating in a special webinar session. This webinar is proposed as a hybrid panel with three short presentations. The IHH project’s rational and methods and some of the progress and results so far (introduction, country case studies, thematic studies), followed by a moderated roundtable discussion on how to

Global consultation on youth and digital technologies in sub-Saharan Africa

In the African continent, where almost 60% of people are under the age of 25, economies are expected to lose billions of dollars due to the Covid-19 crisis, severely impacting jobs and livelihoods. However, young people in sub-Saharan Africa have been at the forefront of innovation in their Covid-19 responses, in many cases using digital tech to transform their lives and communities. With the right support, youth can not only respond to the current crisis more effectively, but shape the future of the region for the better. To this end, Development Research and Training (Uganda), Participatory Development Associates (Ghana) and

Webinar Launch: Make Me a Change Agent

Communication, facilitation, and negotiation skills are fundamental for frontline field staff to support effective behavior change during their day-to-day activities. During COVID-19 program adaptations, these skills are even more crucial to build trust and facilitate the adoption of essential practices and behaviors. USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP)-funded SCALE and PRO-WASH awards invite you to participate in an interactive webinar to dive into the Make Me a Change Agent: An SBC Resource for WASH, Agriculture, and Livelihoods Activities training manual, and discuss how these fundamental skills can improve your WASH, agriculture and livelihoods programming. This Make Me a Change

Webinaire de lancement : Faites de Moi un Agent de Changement

Les compétences en matière de communication, de facilitation et de négociation sont fondamentales pour les agents de terrain afin de soutenir un changement de comportement efficace dans le cadre de ses activités quotidiennes. Lors des adaptations du programme suite à la pandémie de COVID-19, ces compétences sont encore plus cruciales pour instaurer un climat de confiance et faciliter l'adoption de pratiques et de comportements essentiels. Les initiatives SCALE et PRO-WASH financées par le Bureau de l ’alimentation pour la paix vous invite de participer dans un webinaire interactive pour explorer le guide de formation : Faites de Moi un Agent