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IAHR World Congress 2019, Panama. Water - Connecting the World

Global interest in water has increased rapidly in recent years. Many water issues are high on the political agenda, whether it concerns the lack of access to safe water and sanitation or the increase in water‐related disasters due to floods and droughts. This challenge must be addressed by management and policy decisions informed by science and engineering knowledge that is relevant, credible, and legitimate, and delivered in a timely manner. Therefore the discipline of hydro-environment engineering and research is more important than ever. The 38th IAHR World Congress will bring together the key players in the sector from around the

Stakeholder Listening Session: DFSA Final Evaluations

Join us for our first stakeholder listening session focused on the Food for Peace DFSA final evaluations Are we getting as much out of the evaluations as we should? How can we leverage the tremendous wealth of data and evidence generated by final evaluation exercises for better programming results? IDEAL invites you to participate in our first stakeholder listening session focused on the final evaluations of Food for Peace-funded development food security activities. This event will introduce and seek implementing partner (IP) input into IDEAL’s new Associate Award, the Implementer-Led Evaluation & Learning Activity, which aims to increase IP ownership

Being 'Fit for Purpose': Perspectives on Implementing Humanitarian Public Health & WASH Actions

Recording and Presentation Slides A recording of the PRO-WASH 'Being Fit for Purpose' webinar can be found here. Presentations given by Dr. Nada Abdelmagid and Peter Nyamoko are also available for download. Resources Groupe URD and the Global WASH Cluster Synthesis of WASH Sector Emergency Response Capacity Description of Webinar The changing nature of humanitarian crises has placed high expectations on the aid system, which is now called on to simultaneously address multiple issues, sectors, and types of vulnerability. This is especially true in protracted crises where practitioners must strike a balance between known, evidence-based interventions, and those that address

Workshop: Key Resilience Evidence from the Horn of Africa

Overview REAL partners, USAID staff, implementing organizations, analysts and policy makers gathered in a day-long workshop to discuss unique resilience evidence emerging from the Horn of Africa and how the findings can be applied for programming. The workshop mainly focused on evaluations from two key projects: The Partnership for Resilience and Economic Growth (PREG) in Kenya, and The Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME) Project in Ethiopia. Resilience trends and themes emerging from across the Horn of Africa region were also presented and discussed. For a list of the evidence and analysis briefs that summarize key findings, please

Mapping Stakeholders with Net-Map: Understanding Influence

Learn straightforward, easy-to-apply tools for understanding the social systems, contexts and political economies that impact our work. Net-Map is an interview-based mapping tool that helps people understand, visualize, discuss, and improve situations in which many different actors influence outcomes. The tools, developed by the trainer Eva Schiffer have been applied by USAID, World Bank, DFID and others in project planning, evaluations and research, and stakeholder engagement. This highly participatory workshop must be completed in person and is open to FFP, OFDA and implementing partners.

Market-based Approaches to Alternative Livelihoods: Lessons from Bangladesh and Nepal

Please join experts from the Nobo Jatra program (World Vision, Bangladesh) and Sabal program (Save the Children, Nepal) as they delve into market-based approaches to alternative livelihoods within USAID/Food for Peace (FFP) initiatives. From Theories of Change to technical approaches, listen to practical experiences, successes, and challenges in engaging the private sector and working with women and youth in these two contexts. The webinar will be facilitated by the FFP-funded Strengthening Capacity in Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Environment (SCALE) Award. Presenters: Opening remarks by Food for Peace Saeqah Kabir, Senior Manager, Knowledge Management and Communications Nobo Jatra/World Vision Bangladesh Malini Tolat

The Global Food Innovation Summit

The Global Food Innovation Summit brings thousands of innovators together from over the world to build a better food system for all. In Melbourne, it will take place alongside Global Table, a dynamic new business event that connects global industry leaders, innovators, corporates and governments who are committed to transforming the food industry through innovation, investment, and trade in Australasia. Startups will, therefore, have the opportunity to learn about and implement their solutions in this region by forming new connections and collaborative endeavors, facilitated by our combined global platforms. The Summit includes more than 30 thematic conference sessions with hundreds

Big Data in Agriculture Convention

There are good and growing insights about how humanity can live within the natural, biological, and climatic boundaries of the planet. New models are emerging for managing ethics and multi-stakeholder coordination and action. Data and digital technologies are demonstrating the agility, precision, and potential to yield the insights we need to manage this complexity effectively. To claim these potential solutions we need trust: in institutions, in firms, in dynamic and expanding human communities, and in the technologies themselves that can help us build the future. This year’s Big Data in Agriculture Convention will be hosted by The International Crops Research

Training of Trainers in Negotiation, Communication, and Facilitation Skills

Multiple Dates: August 18-22, 2019 August 25-29, 2019 September 1-5, 2019 In collaboration with PRO-WASH, SCALE is launching in-country support in Bangladesh with a training of trainers (ToT) on communication, negotiation, and social and behavior change skills. The ToT will use a modified version of the TOPS-produced Make Me a Change Agent (MMCA) training that was recently piloted in DRC and in Uganda. The guide has been modified for at agriculture, WASH, natural resource management and livelihoods staff and will be available on the FSN Network later this year. This training will primarily target agriculture and WASH staff from the