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The Global Forum on Innovations for Marginal Environments

About the Forum The Global Forum on Innovations for Marginal Environments (GFIME) is organized in view of the enormous impact of soil and water salinization and climate change on ecosystems, agricultural productivity, livelihoods, and food security worldwide. GFIME will serve as a showcase for the latest advances in research, innovation, development, and policy in agriculture and food production in marginal environments, that is areas of the world most vulnerable to climate change, water scarcity and salinity. It will bring together a select global audience of some 250 influential policymakers, decision-makers, scientists and experts who are at the forefront of reshaping

2019 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium

The 2019 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium will once again convene an exceptional array of distinguished international leaders, farmers, agribusiness executives, scientists, non-governmental organizations, and development experts to address the most critical issues facing global food security. The theme for the 2019 Symposium, “Pax Agricultura: Peace Through Agriculture,” will address the increasingly intersectional issues of food security, conflict, and development. With topics ranging from religion, diplomacy, climate, scientific innovation, and corporate leadership, this year’s Dialogue will serve as an opportunity to take stock of the current state of global agriculture and food security.

Understanding IDEAL’s Program Improvement Award

About the Webinar The IDEAL Small Grant Program is soliciting $100,000 Program Improvement Award (PIA) applications from food and nutrition security practitioners for project ideas, achievable within a twelve-month timeframe that will contribute to improved quality of design and implementation of activities targeting vulnerable populations affected by food insecurity. These projects will address a gap in knowledge that is of importance to the larger food and nutrition security implementing partner community. Successful applications will have the potential to build capacity, within and beyond the implementing organization, and generate significant knowledge related to one or two of IDEAL’s content focus areas

Global WASH Cluster Market Based Programming for WASH in Emergencies ToT

The Global WASH Cluster (GWC), in collaboration with UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, will deliver a 6-days residential Training of Trainers (ToT) on Market-Based Programming for WASH in Emergencies (MBPWiE) from the 10th to the 15th of November 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya. The purpose of this ToT is to build capacity to implement MBPWiE trainings, with the final aim of improving capacity of WASH & Cash practitioners and sector coordinators to use market-based approaches (including cash transfer) to achieve WASH outcomes. ToT participants will be evaluated and, in case of positive evaluation, will enter in the GWC

Caregiver Mental Health Knowledge Sharing Series Launch Event

There is growing global recognition that caregiver mental health is a critical component of the health and development of children as well as the personal wellbeing of caregivers themselves. The Caregiver Mental Health Knowledge Sharing Series aims to: Promote the exchange of knowledge, evidence, and resources between stakeholders on caregiver mental health Identify opportunities for increased attention to and funding for integration of mental health interventions into health programming Drive future research and implementation to fill current gaps This interactive launch event involves an interactive panel session, case studies, and group discussions related to advocacy, research, M&E, lessons learned, and

Field Voices: Implementing Adaptive, Integrated, and Sustainable Programs

Event Details What do the concepts sustainability, integrated programming, and adaptive management really mean for food security and nutrition practitioners on the ground and how do they link with one another? Join us on World Food Day for an interactive panel with three Chiefs of Party who are leading USAID/Office of Food for Peace (FFP)-funded Development Food Security Activities (DFSAs) in three distinct contexts: Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Zimbabwe. The event will start at 8:30 am with a light breakfast, followed by an interactive panel discussion, where the three DFSAs will share lessons learned around integrated design and implementation (i.e. layering

Information, Governance, and Rural Service Delivery

How can information be harnessed to improve rural service delivery and governance? The articles in the new special issue of the journal World Development on “Information, Governance, and Rural Service Delivery,” coedited by Katrina Kosec (IFPRI) and Leonard Wantchekon (Princeton University), seek to answer this question. In this seminar, speakers will give an overview of the special issue and discuss the importance of institutional contexts, types of information, and information transmission mechanisms in terms of improving rural well-being. This event is co-organized by IFPRI and the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM). Unable to attend in person

REAL Short Course in Resilience Measurement: Recurrent Monitoring Surveys

Join REAL for a webinar to learn about Recurrent Monitoring Surveys (RMS), the topic of the latest Guidance Note in the USAID Resilience Measurement Guidance Note series. The webinar will focus on the practical aspects of implementing an RMS and provide key lessons learned from three resilience-focused programs in Nepal, Ethiopia and Bangladesh. The Guidance Note series offers pragmatic “how to” guidance for practitioners to integrate core aspects of resilience measurement into their program assessments, design, monitoring, evaluation, and learning. View Presentation View Recording This webinar is the fourth session in the continuous REAL Short Course in Resilience Measurement, with

Bigger Change Faster: Integrated Development, Health, and Environment Actions for a Sustainable Future

From climate change to malnutrition, poverty to biodiversity loss, air pollution to humanitarian crises—the problems facing our world today are deeply interconnected. Holistic initiatives to address these challenges, notably the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are becoming more common. But efforts siloed within the development, health, or environment communities remain the norm. This seminar discusses the findings of the Bridge Collaborative-UN Development Programme report, Bigger Change Faster: Integrated Development, Health, and Environment Actions for a Sustainable Future, that describes actions to accelerate cross-sectoral solutions.