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Asia RCWG & CaLP Webinar on Beneficiary Data Protection in Asia

Have you been hearing about beneficiary data protection, but you're not sure where to start? When should a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) be conducted? How to start evaluating and mitigating risks? Join CaLP for a webinar on data protection to hear from three panelists within Asia who will share experiences on steps they've taken to practice responsible data management and ways you could get started at your own organization. This course is kindly funded by USAID and with additional support from the Asia Regional Cash Working Group, the Norwegian Refugee Council, and CashCAP.

PRO-WASH Webinar Series: WASH & Women’s Leadership

Watch the Recording The WI-HER presentation slides and Nobo Jatra presentation slides are also available. Questions and answers to some of the questions received during the WI-HER and Nobo Jatra presentations are available here. Resources Nobo Jatra project brief A Guide to Integrating Gender in Improvement Six-step approach to identify and close gender-related gaps Steps to Identify and Close Gender-Related Gaps Using an Improvement Approach: Examples for HIV Care Gender considerations for monitoring and evaluation About Globally, women and young girls are disproportionately affected by lack of access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Comprehensive and inclusive WASH programming

Progress, Innovations & Future Directions- Improving food aid products, processes and programs: Results from the Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR) Project Phase III

As some FAQR Phase III project activities, funded by USAID/Food For Peace, come to a close in January 2019, this is an important time to share results, recommendations, and future directions from key technical areas. Presentation topics will include: • Analysis of the USAID/FFP food aid basket and ration technical guidance • Assessment of food aid packaging challenges and future innovations • Findings related to food aid composition and bioavailability • Improvements to food aid quality feedback loops • Possible efficiency gains in the last mile of food aid distribution RESOURCES: Event Recording Event Presentation

What’s in a name? From on-farm to non-farm livelihoods and everything in between

Common alternative livelihoods terms often appear straightforward on paper but can be rather ambiguous in practice. As food security initiatives increasingly include alternative livelihoods components and diversification strategies, it’s important to understand the distinctions between these interventions, particularly with regards to the implications for program design, targeting, measurement and more. Presentations by Adam Reinhart (USAID/Food for Peace), Tara Noronha (SCALE/Mercy Corps) and Malini Tolat (Save the Children) set the stage for an interactive discussion that unpacked these terms and helped to understand common usages, important distinctions, interlinkages with food systems development, specific program examples, and where the lines get a

The Future of Resilient Agriculture: Designing Solutions for Emergency & Development Contexts

In 2015, The TOPS Program sparked a rich two-day conversation on resilient agriculture amongst participants from multiple agencies and USAID offices. Together, participants exchanged knowledge on agroecological principles, designs, methodologies and practices for enhancing smallholder farming systems (highlights here). Four years on, we have come a long way in implementation, but there is still a long way to go. Many challenges exist for programs working with farmers on the implementation of resilient agriculture, ranging from training on adaptive approaches, to promoting data-driven decision-making, and operationalizing these principles in emergency settings. This follow-on event, hosted by the SCALE award, will again

Having Your Say: Sharing Your Organization’s Experience Implementing Food for Peace WASH Programming

Recording and Discussion Notes A recording of the PRO-WASH webinar, Having Your Say: Sharing Your Organization’s Experience Implementing Food for Peace WASH Programming webinar can be found here. Resources Presentation of PRO-WASH Desk-Mapping Results Summary of Webinar Join PRO-WASH and USAID/Food for Peace (FFP) to kick-off our Year 2 Workplan through an interactive and engaging webinar focusing on sharing your organization’s experience implementing Food for Peace WASH Programming. Last year, PRO-WASH conducted interviews with development partners working globally to improve WASH services in the communities they serve. Now we want to share the findings and opportunities of this desk mapping

Why Gender & Land Matter in Rural Ghana and the World: The Importance of Closing the Gender Gap in Agricultural Development

Soybean Innovation Lab Researchers’ Kathleen Ragsdale, Mary Read-Wahidi, and Gina Rico Méndez will co-present with implementing partner Mawuli Asigbee on issues related to land tenure, access, and rights. Drawing on their work in Ghana with men and women soybean producers, the panelists will explore how to frame research questions to examine land rights issues central to gender responsive agricultural development.

Mapping Stakeholders with Net-Map

Join USAID's Office of Food for Peace (FFP) for a training on Net-Map and learn easy to apply tools for understanding influence, social systems, context and political economy. Participants will practice mapping out stakeholder networks based on cases from their own experience and develop plans for applying Net-Map and Network Pattern Cards in their context moving forward. Net-map tools have been applied by USAID, World Bank, DFID, and others others in project planning, evaluations, research and to facilitate stakeholder engagement. Participation is free and available to any FFP implementing partner organization. To accommodate as many organizations as possible, registration is

Bio-fortification: History, Impact, and Current/Future Developments

The USG Global Nutrition Coordination Plan’s Micronutrient Delivery Platforms sub-group invites you to join an interactive learning exchange with practitioners and researchers on the dynamic topic of biofortification. Mark your calendar for May 22 at 8:30 am EST. Should you have a conflict, the session will be recorded. Learning objectives: To improve understanding of biofortification, including its history, evidence for impact, and current and future developments. Agenda: 8:30 - 8:35 am Dr. Omar Dary, USAID: Overview of biofortification and the webinar 8:35 - 8:38 am Diane DeBernardo, USDA: Speaker bios 8:38 - 9:15 am Dr. Howarth Bouis, HarvestPlus: presentation on