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TOPS/FSN Network East & Southern Africa Regional Knowledge Sharing Meeting: Changing Landscapes of Food Security

At Knowledge Sharing Meetings, the connections you make are as substantial as the knowledge you gain. Every session you attend, from energizing plenaries to intimate lunch tables, encourages active participation and engagement with your peers. Take advantage of frequent exchanges with colleagues from around the world and across the food security and nutrition spectrum as you learn firsthand what works and what doesn’t, and share your own experiences and challenges. With each conversation, both in and out of sessions, you are building momentum toward our common goal of ending hunger and malnutrition for all. Materials Welcome Remarks and Keynote Address

TOPS/FSN Network Knowledge Sharing Meeting: Successes, Challenges, and the Way Forward: Seven Years of Community Building

Meeting Description: Join us for the final TOPS/FSN Network Knowledge Sharing Meeting on July 19-20, 2017 in Washington, DC! As we look back over the past seven years of The TOPS Program, we look forward to engaging in productive discussions about our collective accomplishments and innovations, lessons learned, and ways in which the greater food security and nutrition community can keep advancing in the years to come. At TOPS/FSN Network Knowledge Sharing Meetings, the connections you make are as substantial as the knowledge you gain. Every session you attend, from energizing plenaries to intimate lunch tables, encourages active participation and

TOPS/FSN Network Asia Regional Knowledge Sharing Meeting

Meeting Description The 2018 TOPS/FSN Network Asia Regional Knowledge Sharing Meeting: Food Security Resilience at the Intersection of Development and Emergency brings together development and emergency implementers, academics, and donors to share food security and nutrition innovations, emerging topics, promising practices, and lessons learned. The three-day Knowledge Sharing Meeting gives participants the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions to gain increased awareness of common and unique challenges faced by development and emergency implementers in Asia; explore synergies, and identify ways in which we can work together. At TOPS/FSN Network Regional Knowledge Sharing Meetings, the connections you make are as substantial

Global Food Security Symposium 2019

The 2019 symposium will be a two-day event hosted by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. On March 20th, the day prior to the full day of presentations and report release, the Council will offer solution sessions to engage in dialouge with global partners. Solution Sessions: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 Symposium: Thursday, March 21, 2019 Learn more and register here.

WASH Systems Symposium

The symposium will bring together systems thinkers and do-ers from within and beyond the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector, to share an understanding of how systems approaches can help build sustainable and expanded WASH services around the world. The symposium seeks to stimulate more holistic thinking to help reveal opportunities for systemic change in the WASH sector. A primary objective is the identification of the current state-of-the-art thinking and experiences in WASH systems, the development of skills and tools for moving from theory to implementation of systems approaches, an elaboration of a shared agenda for taking the learning forward

Cracking the Nut 2019: Leveraging Systems for Improved Food Security

The conference will focus on balancing public concerns for food security with private, market-based solutions. Applying a food systems lens, this two-day learning event will bring together some of the world’s leading experts in rural development, sustainable agriculture, water sanitation, health and nutrition, including representatives from the private sector, governments, donors and development practitioners to discuss the “tough nuts” related to food security, including the themes highlighted below. Reducing Systemic Risk: What mechanisms exist to stabilize commodity prices? To what extent can we reduce risks of agricultural investments with insurance and guarantees? How can blended finance be used to encourage

Establishing Forest Gardens

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research New York Office (UNITAR) and Trees for the Future (TREES) are partnering to train international development practitioners in an easily deployable and replicable solution to end hunger, poverty and deforestation. TREES is hosting a three-part Forest Garden Training Center workshop at United Nations Headquarters in New York City. The Forest Garden Approach utilizes agroforestry and regenerative agriculture to revitalize degraded lands, improve yields, and dramatically increase incomes. Through a series of fast-paced, interactive sessions, participants in this three-part training series will learn both key agroforestry techniques and training facilitation skills required to

World Congress on Advancing Nutritional and Food Sciences

This two day meeting, presented by PULSUS, is going to incorporate enlightening symposiums & workshops from established experts of the field,exceptional keynote sessions. The meeting for this year will revolve around the theme “Exploration and Evolution in the Field of Nutrition and Food Science” thus relaying the most cutting edge Findings in the field of Nutrition.