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RFA/Design Stage Before the award, applicants need to respond to the request for applications with a detailed proposal design. First, organizations need to get to know the R&I model and expectations for R&I proposals. Then the proposal will include a detailed technical narrative and a theory of change (TOC). Tools on this page help IPs with this process. Click on each activity below for additional details and resources. Understanding R&I For partners who have not used the R&I model before, it is important to understand the reason for it and key expectations for R&I RFSAs. This will help applicants make

Refinement Period

Refinement Period In an R&I award, adaptation is meant to take place throughout the program cycle, but it begins with a refinement period of about 12 months. During this period, IPs do learning activities to refine their activity design and implementation plans. These activities can include things like community visioning, stakeholder consultations, formative research studies, and pilots. They are used to help RFSAs adapt their activity design. IPs also do other start-up activities like recruitment, office set-up, procurement, and training. They may also start implementing proven interventions that are adapted to their context. Click on each activity below for additional

Implementation (Years 2-5)

Implementation (Years 2-5) The implementation period typically covers years two through five of an R&I award. During this time, IPs carry out wide-scale implementation of their activity. They also continue to focus on adaptive learning and sustainability. Ongoing learning may include continuing to answer information gaps, getting input from stakeholders, adapting to the changing context, coordinating with other actors, and testing new ideas. They will also complete a midterm evaluation. Information from all of these activities is used to strengthen and tailor their programming. Attention to sustainability planning helps RFSAs plan a smooth handover and exit while maintaining the results

Refine & Implement Toolkit

About R&I ‘Refine and Implement’ (R&I) is a model that is applied after resilience food security activities (RFSAs) are awarded by the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). The model aims to “enable implementing partners (IPs) to improve collaboration, activity design and focus, fit to context, and implementation planning in partnership with BHA.” During R&I, the activity engages in a ‘refinement period’ prior to full implementation. During this period, implementing partners (IPs) refine the activity design based on evidence, community consultations and visioning processes, and stakeholder input. IPs also invest in staff development and tailor implementation strategies to the local norms

Market Systems Symposium 2023

The Market Systems Symposium 2023 (MSS) will convene practitioners of market systems development from around the world tio explore cutting-edge research, innovative strategies, and real-world application in this dynamic and engaging forum. Given the significant impact of climate change, conflict, and food insecurity on our world today, the core themes for the conference are climate change and adaptation, conflict-affected contexts, and food security and food systems. Considerations that will be focused on across each of these core themes are: Household and market systems resilience Financial market systems Migration and urbanization Water and energy systems Trade Join to explore innovative solutions

From Research to Impact: Towards Just and Resilient Agri-Food Systems

From Research to Impact: Towards Just and Resilient Agri-Food Systems will address the gender and social inequalities at the heart of food systems. This in-person conference will take place in New Delhi, India, and is co-hosted by the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The conference aims to promote the sharing of cutting-edge knowledge on gender and inclusion in food systems to help bridge the gap between research and practice and foster gender-equal and socially inclusive, resilient food systems. It will engage researchers, national agricultural research and extension systems, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, donors