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Remote Targeting Approaches: Global Lessons and Applications in West and Central Africa

The Sahel region is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world, due to a combination of chronic underdevelopment, high demographic growth, high exposure to natural hazards, expanding conflicts, and climatic shocks, as well as chronic food insecurity and malnutrition. Challenging geographies, marginalized communities, and the overall worsening of security in many places of the region increasingly limit access to vulnerable populations in many places of the region.   The purpose of the webinar is to provide a general understanding of remote targeting approaches and at the same time to underline the risks and challenges of using these methods. In

Calculating Transfer Values in West and Central Africa: With Learnings from Cameroon and Niger

While we are seeing more and more understanding of the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) definition process in the region, national Cash Working Groups (CWGs) still seem to be struggling with the transfer value calculation exercise and its use. CWGs and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) actors are experiencing various issues/blockages in some countries. Join the CALP Network for a webinar exploring how we can better determine and use transfer value calculations in the region. Based on the experiences from Niger and Cameroon, this webinar aims to provide a space for learning and sharing good (and bad) practices from various contexts

World Water Week 2023 - Seeds of Change

World Water Week is an inclusive meeting place designed to foster collaboration, inspire innovation, and accelerate water action. A non-profit event, co-created with leading organizations, World Water Week attracts a diverse mix of participants from many professional backgrounds and every corner of the world. The conference offers 200+ sessions on a broad range of topics, from food security and health to agriculture, technology, biodiversity, and the climate crisis.

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