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Calculating Transfer Values in West and Central Africa: With Learnings from Cameroon and Niger

A woman crouches as she prepares food outside of her apartment.
Christian Mutombo / Save the Children
7:00am - 8:30am ET
The CALP Network

While we are seeing more and more understanding of the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) definition process in the region, national Cash Working Groups (CWGs) still seem to be struggling with the transfer value calculation exercise and its use. CWGs and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) actors are experiencing various issues/blockages in some countries.  

Join the CALP Network for a webinar exploring how we can better determine and use transfer value calculations in the region. Based on the experiences from Niger and Cameroon, this webinar aims to provide a space for learning and sharing good (and bad) practices from various contexts. Participants will learn more about improving the transfer value calculation process and usage at the regional and country level. This webinar is designed for CWG leads and co-leads, and regionally focused CVA actors. It will be facilitated in French, with simultaneous interpretation in English. 
