Implementation (Years 2-5)

A young woman leads a cart pulled by a donkey.
Mark Njoroge / Save the Children

Implementation (Years 2-5)

The implementation period typically covers years two through five of an R&I award. During this time, IPs carry out wide-scale implementation of their activity. They also continue to focus on adaptive learning and sustainability. Ongoing learning may include continuing to answer information gaps, getting input from stakeholders, adapting to the changing context, coordinating with other actors, and testing new ideas. They will also complete a midterm evaluation. Information from all of these activities is used to strengthen and tailor their programming. Attention to sustainability planning helps RFSAs plan a smooth handover and exit while maintaining the results of key outcomes in their TOC. Click on each activity below for additional details and resources.

Adaptive Learning

In an R&I model, adaptation is not meant to only happen during the refinement period. RFSAs should continue to adapt and tailor their activity design and implementation plans as they get new information. This new information may come from priorities for continued learning and the ongoing monitoring of process, outcomes, assumptions, and the local context. Activities like ‘pause and reflect’ sessions and TOC reviews can help make sure RFSAs use their lessons learned to keep adapting.

Guide to Formulating Gendered Social Norms Indicators in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition (MERL)

Gender, Youth, and Social Dynamics Advisors and MEL practitioners can use this guide to formulate indicators to measure changes in gendered social norms in the context of food security and nutrition. This guide also offers an initial set of example indicators that program implementers can draw on to assess social norms change in the context of food security and nutrition programs. 

Food for Thought Pause & Reflect Toolkit (Cross-Cutting)

This toolkit builds on USAID’s current CLA framework and offers a step-by-step process and essential guidance, resources, templates, and advice on how to organize and implement an effective one-day, annual, or end-of-program (for programs less than 12 months) pause and reflect session for emergency food security programs (EFSPs). Although targeted at EFSPs, the toolkit can easily be adapted for any context.

Permagarden: Technical Checklist & Guidance (Ag. / Seeds)

This permagarden guidance and checklist provides program and field teams with a clear, simple guide for conducting follow up monitoring visits to permagarden plots after training roll out. It emphasizes farmer and community-led monitoring, observation and adaptation using an easy to follow checklist to reinforce key permagarden messages and practices.

Determining the Success of Your Permagarden: Permagarden Monitoring and Evaluation Tools (Ag. / Seeds)

These quantitative and qualitative tools can be used by program and field staff to more effectively collect relevant data to measure the impact of permagarden techniques and practices.

Resilience Design in Smallholder Farming Systems Approach: Checklist & Guidance (Ag. / Seeds)

This RD guidance and checklist provides program and field teams with a clear, simple guide for conducting follow up monitoring visits to permagarden plots after training roll out. It emphasizes farmer and community-led monitoring, observation and adaptation using an easy to follow checklist to reinforce key RD messages and practices.

Resilience Design in Smallholder Farming Systems Approach (Ag. / Seeds)

These tools can be used by program and field staff to more effectively collect relevant data to measure the impact of RD techniques and practices.

Implementing Savings Groups Through Private Service Providers Course (Livelihoods: Ag. / Off-farm)

In this 6.5-hour curriculum, RFSA staff can learn how to recruit, train, support and certify field agents to become successful and self-sufficient Private Service Providers (PSPs), to ensure sustainable service delivery by networked PSPs to groups and communities. It includes a series of videos and complete reading and activities based on Catholic Relief Services' PSP-Saving and Internal Lending (SILC) model.

Managing Savings Groups: Training for SILC Field Supervisors Livelihoods (Livelihoods: Ag. / Off-farm)

In this 5-hour curriculum, RFSA staff can learn how to train and support field agents to implement high quality savings group projects. It includes a series of videos and complete reading and activities based on Catholic Relief Services' Savings and Internal Lending (SILC) methodology. 

Private Sector Engagement Toolkit (Cross-Cutting)

The Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Toolkit draws on insights from USAID guides, ACDI/VOCA staff experiences, and other PSE resources. The toolkit serves as a guide and resource on how to effectively interact and collaborate with private sector actors in designing and implementing interventions.

Midterm Evaluation

All RFSAs have an externally-led midterm evaluation (MTE). The MTE usually takes place in year 3. MTEs are mostly qualitative, process evaluations used to collect evidence about the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of a RFSA’s program. The MTE explores targeting strategies, adoption of practices, progress towards sustainability, unexpected results, and more. Results are then used to recommend ways to improve outcomes. 

USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance Technical Guidance for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting for Resilience Food Security Activities (MERL)

Annex II provides a general overview of the midterm evaluation methodology and requirements for RFSA leadership and M&E staff. It is intended to help recipients develop a MTE scope of work. It can also provide guidance on the MTE methods and process for other technical staff who may participate in a midterm evaluation as an evaluator or observer. 


Partners first submit a sustainability plan in the proposal and sustainability continues to be a focus throughout implementation. BHA requires RFSAs to submit sustainability plans with their annual Pipeline and Resource Estimate Proposals (PREPs). RFSAs are expected to prioritize sustainability during the life of award and hand over services to local service providers (LSPs) in the last two years.

USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance Technical Guidance for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting for Resilience Food Security Activities (MERL)

This chapter provides guidance to support RFSA M&E staff in the implementation of their sustainability plan and exit strategies. The sustainability plan presents all the elements of activity design that consider sustainability and should increase the likelihood that outcomes will continue beyond the life of an activity. An exit strategy is a plan for how an activity will withdraw its resources while ensuring that progress toward its activity goals will continue.

Sustaining Development: Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies among Development Food Assistance Projects (Cross-Cutting)

This report shares findings from Development Food Assistance Activities in four countries on their sustainability and exit strategies. The four key factors identified for sustainability -- resources, capacity, motivation, and linkages -- are often-cited pillars for RFSA sustainability thinking. RFSA staff can use this report to make sure their sustainability plans include these factors appropriately. Check out the executive summary for a short overview.

The Concept of Sustainability in RFSAs (Cross-Cutting)

This presentation gives RFSA staff an overview of important sustainability concepts and lessons learned from BHA global experience, including key take-aways from the Tufts study, the four sustainability pillars, a conceptual framework, and sustainability lessons from Bangladesh and Malawi.

RFA/Design Stage Refinement Period

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