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Cover page for Acting Before Disaster Strikes

Acting Before Disaster Strikes

International Rescue Committee (IRC) and International Food Policy Research Institute(IFPRI)
Sector Type:
Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction | Emergency Response | Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA)
Year Published:

Hygiene in a Changing Climate

Climate change is having a dramatic effect on humanitarian action, increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather events in some places, but driving drought and water scarcity in others. What do these changes mean for supporting the most affected communities in terms of their health and hygiene? Join the Hygiene Promotion Global Technical Working Group to examine the challenges of maintaining health and hygiene alongside the effects of climate change. The event will have simultaneous French/English translation available. WATCH RECORDING HERE

World Food Forum Flagship Event

The 2023 World Food Forum (WFF) flagship event aims to foster dialogue and debate among relevant stakeholders to achieve an inclusive, sustainable global agrifood future. Organized into three interlinked fora, the event will leverage the power of intergenerational collaboration and creativity across policy, science, education, culture, and investment. It seeks to forge new paths of action, impact, and acceleration at the local, regional, and global levels toward an innovative, resilient, transformative, and hunger-free food future for all.

InterAction's Forum 2023

InterAction’s annual Forum brings together organizations, change-makers, and executives from the public, private, and NGO sectors to create a cross-sector conversation that provides solutions to pressing global challenges. Network and engage with attendees including leadership from marquee foundations, governments, global industries, the U.N., and national civil society organizations.

Strengthening Resilience Capacities: Learning Journey Insights from Somalia, Niger, and Burkina Faso

Join ResilienceLinks and Mercy Corps to explore how USAID and Center for Resilience-funded activities are putting resilience learning into action. To help communities worldwide respond to shocks and stressors, USAID and the Center for Resilience fund activities that research and support coping mechanisms to strengthen resilience capacities. As part of ResilienceLinks' August theme Resilience in Action, explore lessons learned from the Somalia Resilience Population-Level Measurement Activity and Sahel Collaboration and Communication Activity as they put resilience learning into action.