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SEADS Handbook: Standards for Supporting Crop-Related Responses in Emergencies

Join the PRO-WASH & SCALE Award to learn about the SEADS Handbook and get answers to your questions. SEADS will be particularly useful for people who provide preparedness, emergency, recovery, and development assistance in areas where crop production contributes to livelihoods. This includes humanitarian actors, bilateral and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments, community-based organizations, and civil society organizations. It will also be useful for policymakers and decision-makers in donor and government agencies whose funding and implementation decisions affect crisis response. By the end of the session, you'll be familiar with the SEADS principles and standards for designing, implementing, and

Assessing USAID/BHA Sustainability Guidance for RFSAs

Sustainability and exit strategies are critical to long-term activity success. But how have resilience food security activities (RFSAs) applied current USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) guidance when designing their activities? And how clear, comprehensive, and feasible is the guidance as it stands now? This 2-hour event will explore these and other questions, presenting findings from the Assessment of USAID/BHA Sustainability Guidance for Food Security Activities (2015-2021) by the PAST-Forward Project at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University. Come brainstorm next steps in improving and applying sustainability guidance to RFSAs. Watch the recording in English or

USAID Advancing Nutrition Global Learning and Sharing Event

Join USAID Advancing Nutrition for the Nutrition Global Learning and Sharing Event to celebrate five years of multi-sectoral nutrition programming. This in-person event at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC, USA will share how USAID has advanced multi-sectoral nutrition through its flagship nutrition project, USAID Advancing Nutrition. Representatives from the project's country programs will share implementation experience, along with learning, research, and resources to support USAID and its implementing partners to advance nutrition into the future. Event plenary sessions will also be broadcast through the USAID Advancing Nutrition LinkedIn page.
A man and a woman stand with their children displaying goods they are selling.

Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts: A Collection of Resources

USAID Advancing Nutrition
Sector Type:
Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting | Social and Behavior Change | Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction | Program Design and Management | Maternal Child Health and Nutrition | Emergency Response
Year Published: