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Matière à réflexion - Atelier sur la boîte à outils de pause et réflexion

Cet atelier virtuel de deux heures en français, organisé par IDEAL et Mercy Corps, a été conçu pour soutenir l'utilisation de la version française de "Matière à réflexion : Une boîte à outils de pause et réflexion pour les programmes de sécurité alimentaire d'urgence", qui a été développée grâce aux fonds du programme de petites subventions de l’activité IDEAL. Cette boîte à outils s'appuie sur le cadre de collaboration, d'apprentissage et d'adaptation existant de l'USAID et propose des orientations, des ressources, des modèles et des conseils sur la manière de mettre en œuvre une boîte à outils de pause et

HDP Coherence in Practice: Insights from the Implementing Community

Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) coherence aims to promote complementary collaboration across humanitarian, development, and peace actors in pursuit of a common agenda. In the two-year journey since the release of USAID's Programming Considerations for HDP coherence , IDEAL organized two learning events on HDP coherence, conducted desk reviews and key informant interviews, and worked closely with partners to collect evidence of practices across the food security community. As a result of these efforts, and in continuation of the Knowledge Sharing Series on HDP Coherence (2022) and the Greater Horn of Africa Regional Knowledge Sharing Meeting (2023), IDEAL will convene stakeholders once more

Natural Resource Management Peer Learning Group

Welcome to the Natural Resource Management (NRM) Peer Learning Group! PRO-WASH & SCALE has launched this informal group to share learning, challenges, and insights in adapting and supporting natural resources management. The learning group will be focused on watershed, rangeland, and landscape-level NRM strategies, best practices, tools, impact measurement, and sustainability, including community-led approaches and governance. During each online session, we will vote on a new topic and learn together. The group will meet every other month, with calls scheduled for 8:00 AM ET / 4:00 PM EAT on October 18, 2023; December 6, 2023; February 21, 2024; April 17

Humanitarian WASH Research Updates: Researching the Value of Coordination

Coordination is crucial to enable humanitarian response and recent research has been conducted showing the benefits of coordination, a theory of change and minimum requirements for coordination, and thoughts on improving coordination in the future. Join Tufts University and the Global WASH Cluster for a short summary of the research followed by Q&A and discussion. The webinar will be moderated by Daniele Lantagne and Autumn Ofenstein of Tufts University. Speakers include: Monica Ramos, Global WASH Cluster Aliocha Salagnac, Global WASH Cluster Travis Yates, USAID/BHA Camille Heylen, Tufts University