Step-by-step: A Roadmap to Gender and Youth Integration in Food Security and Resilience Programs
This Step-by-Step roadmap provides the ideal sequence of actions teams should take to ensure effective gender and youth integration within their food security activities. These steps are presented in two program phases: Gender Analysis or Youth Assessment and Program Adaptation; and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning and Program Adaptation. These steps were identified and sequenced by Implementing Partners during GAYA’s 2023 Stakeholder Consultation.
The Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) hosted a Stakeholder Consultation on May 24-25, 2023, to provide a forum to hear directly from USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance implementing partners. During this event, IPs worked to identify the ideal sequence of actions Resilience Food Security Activities and emergency programs should take to ensure gender and youth integration within their activities, as well as the attitudes or beliefs held by IP staff that either prevent or enable gender and youth integration.
Prior to the consultation, GAYA identified critical steps required for gender and youth integration via key informant interviews and focus group discussions. During the consultation, participants were invited to put a series of previously identified steps into an ideal sequential order or suggest additions and adaptations. This document outlines the steps and sequence identified by IPs both prior to and during the SHC.