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Humanitarian Xchange

The inaugural Humanitarian Xchange seeks to unite non-profit, business, and academic sectors globally to foster conversations and collaboration on humanitarianism. Organized by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy, this hybrid event will showcase best practices, encourage fresh perspectives, and feature real-world stories and solutions from practitioners within and outside the humanitarian community. It provides a platform for real-world story telling and perspectives, with a commitment to addressing pressing humanitarian challenges. Sessions are designed to explore five key themes: challenges, leadership, collaboration, technology, and finance.

MENA Region Perspectives on Localization

Join the Humanitarian Leadership Academy to hear speakers from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region will discuss what localization looks like in practice, together with reflections on successes and challenges from their perspectives. This webinar is part of The Shift series focusing on how we can resource civil society strengthening and locally-led response. The webinar will be chaired by Bdour Ghousheh, Humanitarian Leadership Academy MENAEE Regional Centre Lead. Speakers include: Mazen Alhousseiny, Capacity Strengthening Advisor, HelpAge International Mustafa Alokoud, Executive Director, Hope Revival Harith Mubarak, Partnerships and International Relations Specialist, Alawn Foundation & Education Cluster Focal Point /

Behavior-Centered Design for the Environment Virtual Training

Led by trainers from the Center for Behavior & the Environment, this training will explore the steps of behavior-centered design, including framing an environmental challenge, gaining empathy with a target audience, connecting research data to behavioral insights, ideation and prototyping, and measuring the success of a behavioral intervention. Participants will discuss principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion that enhance behavior change work and will gain a basic understanding of the levers of behavior change used to design environmental solutions, such as emotional appeals, social influences, and choice architecture. By the end of the training participants will leave with an understanding

Impact Evaluation: There is a Different Way to Do It

Join the Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Cycle (HAEC) for this one-hour interactive webinar to launch our three-part Impact Insights webinar series. During this foundational webinar, the HAEC team will present on what impact evaluations can answer, relative to other evaluation types, and the importance of causal evidence in the humanitarian sector. Building off this event, in January 2024, HAEC will host an engaging webinar to outline key findings from our report, Navigating Constraints to Implementing Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Settings, and detail successful strategies to overcome these challenges. Register for the second webinar in the Impact Insights Series here. Finally, in