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The Launch of the State of World’s Cash Report 2023

Join the CALP Network for the launch of the State of World’s Cash Report 2023 which provides an insightful and authoritative analysis of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance worldwide. Participants will learn of the key findings, debates, and highlights from this comprehensive report. We’ll discuss trends and changes in the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), analyzing both the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The report serves as a key reference for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers involved in humanitarian programming. This event is for everyone with an interest in CVA, and a passion for collective action towards more

Bite-Sized Learning: Operationalizing Localization through CLA

USAID's Bureau for Planning, Learning, and Resource Management is launching a public-facing event series drawing lessons from the most recent additions to the 600+ Collaboration, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition submissions accessible on USAID Learning Lab. Called Bite-Sized Learning, the series will explore insights from a variety of cases that apply CLA to tackle pressing development challenges. The event will center on the question: how does the use of CLA by USAID staff, implementing partners, and other development practitioners advance localization in their contexts?

Strategic Layering to Improve Household Gender Dynamics for Optimal Nutrition in Rural Niger

Catholic Relief Services, Penn State University, and the University of Zinder conducted an 18-month research study to examine the effectiveness of layering of three interventions to improve household gender dynamics and nutrition for pregnant and lactating women and young children – (1) nutrition education, (2) economic strengthening through Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) and (3) a nutrition-integrated couples’ strengthening approach (the Maison Familiale Harmonieuse, MFH). The study used a mixed-methods design consisting of a quantitative survey of over 2,300 households complemented by a collection of qualitative data via focus group discussions, key informant interviews, observations of meal preparation and

FINE CoP: Family Dynamics, Mental Health, and Nutrition

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and USAID Advancing Nutrition are excited to invite the community to join the Family Inclusion in Nutrition through Engagement (FINE) Community of Practice's upcoming meeting centered around family dynamics, mental health, and nutrition. Participants will hear from Dr. Siham Sikander (University of Liverpool, UK Primary Care & Mental Health) and Dr. Esther Chung (RTI International) who will share findings from their work in Pakistan focused on mother-in-law caregiving and perinatal depression in rural Pakistan. Then, Dr. Natalia Concha (ActEarly, Queen Mary University of London) will facilitate a Q&A session with Siham and