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PRO-WASH & SCALE Applied Research Award

The PRO-WASH & SCALE Award is excited to announce its first applied research request for applications (RFA)! We are soliciting applications to explore sustainability in the domains of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), agriculture, natural resource management (NRM), water resources management (WRM), livelihoods, markets, cash-for-work (CFW), vouchers-for-work, and food-for-work interventions on closed USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)-funded development/resilience food security activities (DFSAs/RFSAs) as well as legacy Food for Peace-funded development food assistance projects (DFAPs).

Northeast Nigeria Resilience Study Workshop

This Stakeholder Workshop focused on the Recurrent Monitoring Survey (RMS) component of the USAID-funded REAL Northeast Nigeria Resilience Study. The workshop aimed to shape the synthesis of all four RMS rounds and the in-depth qualitative inquiry. The RMS collects qualitative and quantitative information about household changes in resilience capacities, coping strategies, food security outcomes, and exposure to shocks over time. The study team has collected four rounds of RMS data at periodic intervals since August 2022, from a panel sample of households, communities, and service providers affiliated with the USAID Feed the Future Rural Resilience Activity in NE Nigeria. The

CARE's 2023 GAYA Survey Results

Annually, the Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) conducts a survey of implementers on their gender and youth knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Through participation in this survey, respondents share valuable insights on gender and youth integration challenges and successes. In both 2022 and 2023, over 600 implementers worldwide responded to this survey. GAYA compiles these results to showcase important trends and highlight evidence-based recommendations for implementers. GAYA believes that survey participants should gain access to their data, thus, in an effort to be non-extractive, in addition to providing global insights, GAYA shares data back with organizations who submitted a sufficient number

Comparative GAYA Implementing Partner Survey Results

Annually, the Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) conducts a survey of implementers on their gender and youth knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Through participation in this survey, respondents share valuable insights on gender and youth integration challenges and successes. In both 2022 and 2023, over 600 implementers worldwide responded to this survey. GAYA compiles these results to showcase important trends and highlight evidence-based recommendations for implementers. GAYA believes that survey participants should gain access to their data, thus, in an effort to be non-extractive, in addition to providing global insights, GAYA shares data back with organizations who submitted a sufficient number

World Vision's 2023 GAYA Survey Results

Annually, the Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) conducts a survey of implementers on their gender and youth knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Through participation in this survey, respondents share valuable insights on gender and youth integration challenges and successes. In both 2022 and 2023, over 600 implementers worldwide responded to this survey. GAYA compiles these results to showcase important trends and highlight evidence-based recommendations for implementers. GAYA believes that survey participants should gain access to their data, thus, in an effort to be non-extractive, in addition to providing global insights, GAYA shares data back with organizations who submitted a sufficient number

Save the Children's 2023 GAYA Survey Results

Annually, the Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) conducts a survey of implementers on their gender and youth knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Through participation in this survey, respondents share valuable insights on gender and youth integration challenges and successes. In both 2022 and 2023, over 600 implementers worldwide responded to this survey. GAYA compiles these results to showcase important trends and highlight evidence-based recommendations for implementers. GAYA believes that survey participants should gain access to their data, thus, in an effort to be non-extractive, in addition to providing global insights, GAYA shares data back with organizations who submitted a sufficient number