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Call for Applications: Cultivating Inclusion for Food Security Fellowship

The Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) is accepting applications for the Cultivating Inclusion for Food Security Fellowship! In this fellowship, emergency program and resilience food security activity (RFSA) staff will work together to design and use qualitative methods to address their program-specific questions and deepen their contextual understanding of social inclusion and resilience dynamics of their activities, in order to adapt programming for transformative change.

How to Motivate and Sustain Volunteer Farmer Trainers

In this webinar, Ripple Effect discussed how to motivate and sustain volunteer farmer trainers once donor-funded projects end. Learn more about this grant here. In Ripple Effect’s programs, volunteer farmer trainers (VFTs) are project participants who demonstrate willingness and aptitude to share sustainable agriculture training with other farmers from their group and community. This one-hour webinar summarized key findings from Ripple Effect’s research into the sustainability of a VFT model post-project in Uganda and Kenya. The research was made possible by a grant from The Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) Activity. The IDEAL Small Grants Program is made

Tiny Microbes with Big Business Impact: The Economic and Health Implications of Food Safety

Globally, conflict and climate change threaten advances made to reduce hunger and support economic development. Without safe food, we are not able to properly address food security issues. Through biological and chemical contamination, tiny microbes can have big impacts on human health and the economy. This webinar will explore the links between food safety programming and impacts on human health and nutrition, including the long-term effects of food poisoning. Moreover, it will explore the economic impact of unsafe food that must be discarded, undermining efforts to increase the availability, access, and affordability of safe and nutritious food. Moreover, the webinar

The Role of Community-based Surveillance in Global Health Security

Join the USAID Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance (IDDS) project’s latest webinar, which will feature global perspectives on community-based surveillance (CBS) within pandemic preparedness and response efforts, highlighting Mali’s approaches to integrating CBS into the health system, and elaborating on implementation realities at the community level in Senegal. CBS is used for early detection of potentially epidemic diseases through reporting by community members. CBS enables the systematic detection and reporting of events of public health significance at the source. USAID’s Global Health Security program, through its technical partners, has enhanced surveillance systems for diseases with epidemic and epizootic potential using

IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Report: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses – Considerations for Africa

IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Report examines how to improve crisis response and build resilience in the face of more frequent and persistent crises affecting global and local food systems, triggered by economic challenges, conflict, extreme weather events, natural disasters, and epidemics. This virtual discussion will feature a panel of experts to discuss the report's key findings and recommendations and implications for Africa. IFPRI senior staff and government partners will discuss how shocks can be addressed through policy actions that strengthen food systems at national and local levels as well as through efforts to support smallholder farmers who are particularly