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SPIR II Learning Event

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) is hosting a two-day learning event with the primary objective of sharing results from studies conducted as part of the Strengthen PSNP5 Institutions and Resilience (SPIR II) learning activities among relevant stakeholders. The SPIR II learning agenda investigates strategies to reduce extreme poverty and address its causes through formative studies, impact evaluations, and related research. The learning agenda aims to support optimization of the design and implementation of ongoing and future social protection programming in Ethiopia. To strengthen the program and expand its impacts, SPIR II provides additional graduation model programming through complementary

Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers: Lessons Learned, Challenges and Opportunities

Access to affordable, appropriate sources of financing for smallholder farming households remains a significant challenge to their ability to improve productivity and build sustainable livelihoods. Mounting pressures from climate change, conflict, and the cost-of-living crisis make farming even riskier in the eyes of financial providers. But innovative solutions are out there. Partnerships between financial institutions and global development organizations have been working to reduce this risk, while digital platforms have increased the accessibility of financial services to smallholders, especially women. In this webinar, experts will present financial inclusion case studies from smallholder-focused projects in Nepal, Mexico, and sub-Saharan Africa, followed

How a Focused Budgeting Activity Increased Savings across the Hungry Season in Zambia

This webinar, co-hosted by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience at UC Davis, and the Center for Effective Global Action at UC Berkeley, presents new research supported by USAID. This randomized controlled trial in Zambia found a way for smallholder farming families to reallocate their savings across the year, reducing hunger while setting themselves up for higher future yields. A simple, inexpensive budgeting intervention stretched farmers’ savings by roughly one extra month while increasing farm yields by 9 percent in the following year. The webinar will provide clear evidence of the impacts attained within the
2023 Global Food Policy Report

2023 Global Food Policy Report

International Food Policy Research Institute
Sector Type:
Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction | Program Design and Management | Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting
Year Published:

RKSM Interactive Sessions

What is HDP coherence? RKSM in the Horn RKSM Agenda Venue & Logistics Skills Building Workshops Meet the Organizers Agenda Please click the following links to access session descriptions. Day 1 Sessions Day 2 Sessions Day 3 Sessions The RKSM will offer a mix of plenary and small group sessions. Interactive sessions will run under five themes: Joint Planning: Practical ways to join up humanitarian, peace, and development program design and planning at a field level; Collective Impact: Proven approaches to Sequence, Layer, and Integrate (SLI) to address the food crisis; Improved Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for HDP Coherence

Cracking the Nut 2023

Cracking the Nut 2023: Reducing Risk in Rural and Agricultural Investment is a two-day learning event and two-day Anti-Fragile Market Systems training on June 12-13 and June 14-15, respectively. The conference will explore the opportunities for finance to drive supply chains and trade, the needs of informal enterprises, and an enabling business advisory ecosystem. The conference will provide a demand‐driven, collaborative learning space where participants share experiences and best practices on innovative approaches to reducing risks and supporting rural and agricultural development, while stimulating and incentivizing private sector investment. The 2023 conference will focus on three tracks: Reducing risks associated