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2023 Global Food Policy Report: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses

Please International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) for the launch of the 2023 Global Food Policy Report. The report explores evidence-based policy and governance solutions that can provide better early warning and rapid response, increase resilience of food systems, protect the livelihoods of women and marginal groups, ensure their inclusion in crisis response, and address the impacts of conflict and migration. Following a presentation of the report’s key findings and recommendations, a panel of experts will address how best to align crisis response with resilience building for greater impact.

Resilience Evidence Forum

Registration is open for the Resilience Evidence Forum, a three-day gathering that will take stock of the latest evidence on resilience and its implications for policy and programming. The Forum will spark further collaborations and capacity exchange across geographic contexts, sectors, and actors. The Forum will convene up to 200 physical participants, including USAID headquarters and field-based staff, implementing partners, non-governmental organizations, United Nations, donors and Global South government officials, universities, private sector, and community-based and research organizations. While the event will be live-streamed, the emphasis will be on brokering in-person connections and further collaboration. Early registration is encouraged as

Research for Nutrition (#R4NUT) 2023

The International Scientific Research for Nutrition Conference (#R4NUT) is a major meeting place to bring to light the latest research findings and topics related to undernutrition. This year the conference focuses on the impact of climate crises, societal and political changes, and socio-economic inququalities on nutrition security. It brings together practitioners and researchers for a two-day exchange of knowledge and critical perspectives on the prevention,diagnosis, and treatment of undernutrition. Conference programming will be based on and discuss field experiences, research projects, strategic guidelines, and nutrition and health policies and programs. It seeks to strengthen the knowledge and capacity of practitioners