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GAYA Peer to Peer Learning Approach

Peer-to-Peer Learning The Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) nourishes inclusion through innovative and diverse peer-to-peer learning opportunities. GAYA understands that effective collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential to the quality and impact of food security activities, especially when it comes to addressing the deeply-rooted, intersectional barriers facing women and youth. That’s why GAYA works to create spaces for sharing, learning, and problem-solving by bringing together food security program implementers from around the world. GAYAs peer-to-peer learning efforts includes: The Nourishing Inclusion Blog Series In September 2022, GAYA hosted a participatory discussion for implementers to reflect on lessons learned from gender

HuMEL - Data Usage in Emergencies

The HuMEL (Humanitarian Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning) peer community convened an online discussion on How to Promote Learning through Data Utilization in Emergency and Humanitarian Settings: Incorporating Best Practices and Reflecting on Lessons Learned from the Field. During the event, representatives from CRS and Global Communities presented their experiences on the topic. In addition, representatives from Mercy Corps showcased the IDEAL Micro Grant funded Food for Thought Pause & Reflect Toolkit. View the presentation and watch the recording of the vent below. Join the HuMEL community to meet colleagues who work on M&E in emergency and humanitarian settings and share

Illustrating Insights: Evidence-Based Recommendations for Gender and Youth Integration

Are you interested in learning more about how to integrate gender and youth into your activities? Join the USAID/BHA-Funded Gender and Youth Activity (GAYA) on March 28th for our webinar Illustrating Insights: Evidence-Based Recommendations for Gender and Youth Integration. Last year, GAYA surveyed over 600 implementers to better understand the barriers that exist around the integration of gender and youth in development and emergency programs. Based on this formative research, GAYA identified action-oriented recommendations implementers can take to strengthen their programming. During this 90-minute webinar, GAYA will share our latest resource that outlines key recommendations, strategies, and tools to address