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Global Launch of “Guidance: How to Design and Set Up Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management”

UNFPA’s Cash and Voucher Assistance team is pleased to announce the launch event of the new UNFPA guidance on the integration of cash assistance in gender-based violence case management: “ Guidance: How to Design and Set Up Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management.” Join UNFPA and the U.S. Department of State Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migration to learn more about the new guidance and hear additional remarks highlighting experience from the field.

Fiscal Year 2023 DRC RFSA Participant Financial Analysis Briefing

Join USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance for a virtual stakeholder briefing on the Participant Financial Analysis (PFA) requirements for the Final Fiscal Year 2023 Request for Applications (RFA) for a Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The briefing will include a presentation on the language and application requirements for the PFA portion of the revised RFSA RFA, followed by an opportunity for participants to ask questions. The Draft FY23 RFSA RFA for the DRC can be found on and USAID’s website. Participants must RSVP for this briefing by 11:59 pm ET on February

RKSM Resources

What is HDP coherence? RKSM in the Horn RKSM Resources Skills Building Workshops Meet the Organizers Resources Below is a collection of resources and materials shared during group sessions at the RKSM. Click here to access the RKSM Program Booklet and read IDEAL's report presenting the RKSM’s primary learnings on improving HDP coherence across the Greater Horn of Africa here! Joint Planning Leveraging Mapping to Improve Joint Planning and Implementation U-Learn Resources Collective Impact Centering Local Knowledge for HDP Coherence The Triple Nexus in Practice: Toward a New Way of Working in Protracted and Repeated Crises SLI for more Crisis-Responsive

Skills Building Workshops

What is HDP coherence? RKSM in the Horn RKSM Resources Skills Building Workshops Meet the Organizers On Friday, May 12, RKSM participants had the option to attend skills building workshops. Click on each title below to learn more about each option: Inclusive Human-Centered Design for More Impactful Programming Using a Recurrent Monitoring Survey to Measure Resilience and Support Adaptive Management in the Face of Shoc ks Using the Theory of Change for Adaptive Management Decision-Making Centering Local Knowledge and Social Inclusion in our Practice Inclusive Human-Centered Design for More Impactful Programming Learn how to design more inclusive, sustainable services and

Launch of the Third Communiqué on Integrated Seed Sector Development in Africa

The Third Communiqué on Integrated Seed Sector Development in Africa presents guiding perspectives for advancing seed sector transformation in Africa. Hear from the authors and various speakers about the process of developing the Communiqué and their hopes for how the Communiqué can support further collaboration on seed sector transformation. This event marks the conclusion of the current phase of the ISSD Africa Community of Practice.

2023 Colorado WASH Symposium

Colorado WASH Symposium is to provide a platform for sharing and expanding collective knowledge in the field of water, sanitation, and hygiene in both domestic and international contexts. The hybrid symposium brings together leaders and WASH practitioners in social enterprises, the private sector, NGOs, academia, and development agencies. The Colorado WASH Symposium is deliberately small and intimate - designed around in-depth conversations and unrushed sessions where each individual’s contribution is valued. The purpose of the symposium is to: Bring experts in the WASH sector as speakers to highlight promising global approaches to selected topics Feature exciting, recent work in the

Meet the Organizers

What is HDP coherence? RKSM in the Horn RKSM Resources Skills Building Workshops Meet the Organizers The RKSM is an initiative from USAID's Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance, Bureau of Resilience and Food Security and Kenya, and East Africa Mission, in collaboration with two USAID-funded activities: the Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) Activity and the Resilience Learning Activity (RLA). USAID: On behalf of the American people, the U.S. Agency for International Development ( USAID) promotes and demonstrates democratic values abroad and advances a free, peaceful, and prosperous world. In support of America’s foreign policy, USAID leads the U.S. government’s