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What is HDP Coherence?

What is HDP coherence? RKSM in the Horn RKSM Resources Skills Building Workshops Meet the Organizers What is HDP Coherence? Humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) coherence aims to promote complementary collaboration across humanitarian, development, and peace actors in pursuit of a common agenda. Its goal is to maximize impact and sustainability of programs across different kinds of assistance and to reduce the need for humanitarian assistance (HA) over time. Key Principles for Humanitarian-Development-Peace Coherence Uphold and respect humanitarian principles to ensure HA remains unhindered and effective Plan jointly and seek a common agenda Create and strengthen communication, coordination, and learning platforms across different

Venue and Logistics

What is HDP coherence? RKSM in the Horn Agenda & Sessions Skills Building Workshops Meet the Organizers May 9-12, 2023 | Naivasha, Kenya Please note that the RKSM is an invitation-only event. If you would like to attend but haven’t received an official invitation from the organizers, please contact us at RKSM Venue The RKSM will take place at the Great Rift Valley Lodge (GRVL) in Naivasha, a 90-minute drive from Nairobi. Due to its remote location, all participants will be expected to stay at the GRVL for the duration of the event. Registered participants will receive detailed instructions