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IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Report: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses – Considerations for Africa

A young woman wearing an orange headscarf prepares pasta in a pot.
Hanna Adcock / Save the Children
9:00am - 10:30am ET

IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Report examines how to improve crisis response and build resilience in the face of more frequent and persistent crises affecting global and local food systems, triggered by economic challenges, conflict, extreme weather events, natural disasters, and epidemics. This virtual discussion will feature a panel of experts to discuss the report's key findings and recommendations and implications for Africa. IFPRI senior staff and government partners will discuss how shocks can be addressed through policy actions that strengthen food systems at national and local levels as well as through efforts to support smallholder farmers who are particularly vulnerable to shocks. Panelists will also discuss policies that can improve food security in Africa and what can be done to mitigate the impact of future crises.
