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Tiny Microbes with Big Business Impact: The Economic and Health Implications of Food Safety

Four women wearing protective clothing sort through green beans.
Fintrac Inc.
10:00am - 11:00am ET

Globally, conflict and climate change threaten advances made to reduce hunger and support economic development. Without safe food, we are not able to properly address food security issues. Through biological and chemical contamination, tiny microbes can have big impacts on human health and the economy. This webinar will explore the links between food safety programming and impacts on human health and nutrition, including the long-term effects of food poisoning. Moreover, it will explore the economic impact of unsafe food that must be discarded, undermining efforts to increase the availability, access, and affordability of safe and nutritious food. Moreover, the webinar will focus on evidence-driven decision-making and strategic investments to prioritize food safety to improve food security. 
