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Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Sector Type:
M&E System | Monitoring and Evaluation
Year Published:

Integrated Resilience Programming: Lessons from Uganda, Nepal, and Ethiopia

Watch the Recording Join REAL and team members from USAID-funded programs in Uganda, Nepal, and Ethiopia for an interactive discussion on successes and challenges of implementing integrated resilience programming in food security activities. Defined as, “the intentional layering and sequencing of multi-sectoral interventions and the coordination of actors in order to prevent or reduce the drivers and effects of shocks and stresses that undermine the program and the long-term well-being of the target population,” integrated resilience programming has proven crucial to sustained resilience outcomes and the success of food security activities across the USAID portfolio. By the end of this

Shaping the Future of Food Markets in Africa

About the Event Markets are where food producers and consumers meet. They are a vital connection between our food and our planet. Markets are where food is traded and where ideas and cultures mix - but often markets do not work for producers and consumers. The climate emergency and the pandemic are highlighting that we need new approaches to the way food is processed, distributed, and traded. In addition, we want to show how traditional and informal African markets are neglected and how strengthening them is a critical part of the transition to agroecology. This conference will lay out the

Application Lab for Emergency Implementers

What is the Application Lab? The Application Lab convened a cohort of 15-20 field-based, emergency food security implementers who delved into the shifting landscape of project participant targeting as a result of challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the period of five weeks, cohort members participated in three online workshops, completed three homework sets, and presented their work in the final showcase. Click to view image >> Participation is completely remote. At the end of the Lab, every member of the cohort will either have applied or plan to apply an adaptation to their project participant targeting approach, as well

SCALE Facilitators of the Year

Français >> About SCALE’s Facilitators of the Year Initiative is back! Our goal is to recognize and celebrate program staff who are facilitating agriculture, natural resource management (NRM), or alternative livelihoods-related activities around the world. Our 2021 Cohort consisted of 14 facilitators from nine BHA-funded activities. Click here to check out their facilitation skills and tips. Program staff and community workers are on the frontlines of facilitating change in the communities where they work. Having the technical knowledge related to agriculture, natural resource management (NRM) or alternative livelihoods is essential, but not enough on its own to lead to lasting