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Shaping the Future of Food Markets in Africa

photo of woman holding food
Louis Leeson / Save The Children
8:00pm - 7:59pm

About the Event

Markets are where food producers and consumers meet. They are a vital connection between our food and our planet. Markets are where food is traded and where ideas and cultures mix - but often markets do not work for producers and consumers. The climate emergency and the pandemic are highlighting that we need new approaches to the way food is processed, distributed, and traded. In addition, we want to show how traditional and informal African markets are neglected and how strengthening them is a critical part of the transition to agroecology. This conference will lay out the challenges facing African markets, shape the markets we want to see in the future and work out how to get there.

This event will be the first of its kind in delivery, content, and participation, with thousands of people engaging across the discussions, competitions, and celebrations.

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa is also calling on all food-loving story-tellers to take part in a video competition to help reimagine the future of food markets in Africa. The deadline to submit is October 5, 2020. Click to learn more.
