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TOPS/FSN Network Knowledge Sharing Meeting - Strengthening Connections: Inquiry, Innovation & Implementation

The Knowledge Sharing Meeting brought together over 170 implementers, donors, and researchers from 52 organizations for peer learning, knowledge sharing, and networking around food security and nutrition responses and processes. The meeting fostered a collaborative exchange of ideas among participants. Attendees explored how research and practical application can inform one another in addressing key opportunities and challenges; gained insights to address emerging food security and nutrition topics; and learned and shared how established knowledge and practices can be adapted to various situations. Materials Agenda-at-a-Glance Program Booklet Presentations Welcome Remarks VIDEO RECORDING I WEBINAR RECORDING Programming for Youth PRESENTATION_SHOREY I PRESENTATION_DESHPANDE

TOPS/FSN Network Knowledge Sharing Meeting: Learn, Adapt, Apply

The Knowledge Sharing Meeting brought together over 200 food security practitioners and donors from across the country and around the world to learn about new tools and practices, gain skills for building stronger, more resilient food security programming, and discuss how to incorporate knowledge management into your everyday work. Materials Agenda At-A-Glance Program Booklet Presentations Formative Investigation to Design Integrated Agriculture and Nutrition Programming Presenters: Joy Del Rosso, Senior Advisor Nutrition, Save the Children; Lydia Clemmons, Senior Advisor for SBCC, The Manoff Group; Timothy Sparkman, Chief of Party, Mercy Corps Uganda; Jennifer Burns, Senior Development Nutritionist, International Medical Corps Burns